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We live in Orlando Florida. Mom came to the ER of Orlando Health Hospital thinking she had a UTI. Turns out she has a cervical tumor 10x 7.5 cm diagnosed as a NET that has spread to lungs. We were seen by a consulting hematologist/oncologist at the hospital that said radiation and chemo won’t help!! Mom said she’s a fighter and will die trying. He started her on chemo. After 3 nights she was done. They discharged her. After weeks in hospital due to waiting on biopsy and such, she’s week and can’t walk. At this point since the biopsy and everything took so long and she was in bed for weeks, she isn’t walking. We took her to a rehab for physical therapy to get her walking. First step of PT is too sit on side of bed. She’s basically sitting on the tumor and
It hurts too much. So PT is not working! So we are at a loss. The cancer clinics are all out patient. We have yet to find a NET doctor that will take her. The consulting oncologist said she can follow up with him and next step would be immunotherapy. I don’t know if that’s the best thing to get her cured, they say there is no cure just palliative care. He’s not a NET specialist and there’s so many clinical trials and cutting edge new advances. Without mom walking this has become a huge challenge and we are hitting a wall. I really don’t know what to do!!! I can’t get a NET doctor to take her and she’s not walking!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Replies to "We live in Orlando Florida. Mom came to the ER of Orlando Health Hospital thinking she..."

Hello @nwilson03 and welcome to Mayo Connect. I can understand the frustration you must be feeling. Your mom is a fighter, but you seem to be having a hard time finding the right back-up team in order to help her fight.

Are you aware that there are NET specialists at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida? I would recommend calling them to see if they will give your mom an appointment. Here is a link to give you information to schedule an appointment, http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63.

If for any reason, she is not able to be seen at Mayo Clinic, I recommend that you look at the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF) website and look for information on a NET specialist there. Here is the link to the CCF website, https://www.carcinoid.org/for-patients/treatment/find-a-doctor/.
If your mom cannot comfortably travel to personally see any of these doctors, you might want to see if you can get a virtual appointment for your mom.

You mentioned that your mom had chemotherapy. What type of chemo was it?