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Yes, sometimes my mouth and tongue feel tired. I also have started to develop speech impediments. I sound like Daffy Duck or Sylvester the Cat sometimes. The dry mouth causes a lot of that. That’s why I dread going back to the hospital, because they will put “NPO” on my chart and I won’t be allowed even ice chips to hydrate my mouth. Then the mucus gets out of control and they expect me to get rid of it using those ridiculous little sponges on sticks. I hate those things.

I have no idea why I ended up with nasopharyngeal cancer. I am not a member of any of the demographic groups that are considered at risk and I was just halfway through high school when I got diagnosed. The doctors first thought I had Hodgkins. My best guess is that I spent too much time in cars with adults who were smoking when I was a kid.

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Replies to "Yes, sometimes my mouth and tongue feel tired. I also have started to develop speech impediments...."

If it was being in a car with smoking parents, I would have had it.
My husband had welded in toxic material about a year before, in the coast guard but they aren’t sure where it came from either. He was not in any of the demographic groups either. He was a light smoker however. My husbands was stage 4 when they finally diagnosed it correctly because who would have a NSCC at 21 or like you in Your teens. What a horrible disease to have to face at such a young age and also the rest of your life. My husband also has speech impediments because he trips over his tongue. I’m so sorry you have to experience all this.

Hi!… I have a somewhat similar experience though I was diagnosed with a different type Cancer… SCC, Squamous Cell Carcinoma found in the lower frontal jaw… radical surgery was required and a transplant to replace the 2/3s of the jaw removed… long story short, eating swallowing and speaking had to be relearned from scratch… not easy when one is ‘up there in age’… I have managed somehow, but the problems with the mucus/phlegm is the worst, it makes it difficult to swallow or talk… I too did not particularly liked the ‘sponges with the sticks’ but if you want to keep your mouth and what’s left of your teeth, it’s a must… my opinion of course…. without good oral hygiene lots of other unnecessary and unpleasant problems will show up… it’s tedious work for sure… first thing in the morning and last thing at night helps… during the day just rinsing is very helpful too… again, tedious work…. And since chewing or swallowing any food is impossible, a totally ‘liquid diet’ becomes a new normal unfortunately but necessary… I like many of you was not even close to any demographic for the Cancer… though in my generation smoking was ‘the thing’ almost everyone happily did … but I never smoked… however I was around those that did… in restaurants and any gathering, it couldn’t be helped…. They say drinking also , again, no real drinking besides beer … so who knows really?… my instincts tell me that in my case, it was the exposure to Agent Orange, since I served in Vietnam 3 back to back tours… but 50+ yrs later?… it just seems it’s all just ‘educated’ guessing…. As for the mucus, maybe a portable hand held pump might help?… I am seriously considering it because it’s awfully bothersome now… speaking has become more of a problem too… hope this little input helps someone out there….Stay strong and keep moving forward no matter what….giving up in not a good choice…