Can handsanitzer in the eye kill you or make you blind?

Posted by hypochondriac @hypochondriac, Jan 26, 2023

I'm writing a book, and one of the characters gets hand sanitizer in his eye (don't ask) and I was wondering if that could be fatal or cause enough to blind someone. Is that realistic? Google said there's a small chance of it if untreated, and it never was treated for the character. But I was sure, because google is a weird place, haha.

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Hi @hypochondriac, You got my attention…I want to read your book!! 😅
Ok, not being a medical professional but having a science background…and being a mom… Hand sanitizers containing alcohol could be an irritant on the mucous membrane in the eye. It would sure burn like crazy for a short time, especially if not liberally rinsed with saline solution. Tears would dilute and wash out most of the alcohol but it could dissolve the mucous membrane over the eye, making it feel dry and grainy. Unless someone seriously scratched their corneas while trying to deal with the pain. it would be unlikely for alcohol in a hand sanitizer to cause permanent damage such as blindness. Now, if it contained a base such as sodium hydroxide (lye) or any strong alkali, could cause serious damage or blindness.

However, if this is fiction…squirt in the eye, victim rubs eyes with dirty hands trying to fight the pain, bacteria introduced, infection in one or both eyes with staph bacteria, (disgusting infection symptoms would make good graphics for story) it goes systemic…patient goes blind and possibly dies from sepsis. Hmm, problem with that is the disinfectant would kill the bacteria so dang, we’re back to square one!

Maybe you can help me with my book!! I had a bone marrow transplant with cells from an unrelated donor. I’m female and my immune system is from a male donor. So I now have his DNA, his blood type and 100% male chromosomes. I have 2 sets of DNA as I still have my own DNA on my skin but my blood DNA is his. I see a whodunit in my future…any DNA left behind would have mixed signals. 🥸
Good luck on your book! Drop me a line and let me know when it goes to press, ok?


I think ingesting it would be more harmful if not fatal. I read that the FDA was investigating manufacturers who were selling sanitizer in misleading containers or cute packaging for kids. One woman bought a bottle thinking it was water because it looked so much like one and was the right size and shape. That sounds like a good scenario.

FL Mary


...sorry if off point but I am in Ontario Canada and signed up with Health Canada for regular emails if they recall a food, mediction, etc., and so far over the year/s they have recalled HUNDREDS of hand sanitizers for dangerous ingredients. Thing is they name the manufacturer but no picture of container; Also, I use sanitizer in dental office, etc, in plain dispenser and have no idea which sanitizer they are filling it with! I would inmagine tht man people have been using hand sanitizer that is on the DO NOT USE list....if they dont get the emails or, like me, use office products: my husband buys his own sanitizer, on the approved list, keeps a bottle in his pocket and uses that! Why don't I do that? I have no idea if sanitize in eyes would make someone blind and perish the thought! I HATE even getting shampoo in eye and did a few weeks ago and the pain lasted all day and into the night....... ugh !!!

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