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These things are slow to develop, angieb16. They sneak up on you and clobber you, but they aren't likely to be dangerous, not yet. You are doing the right things, and so are your medical care givers. They need to consider ways to see exactly what is going on, so wearing a Holter monitor for a full day is likely to show when you have the palpitations. It might interest you to know that palpitations are what YOU feel, not what the EKG shows. The real nature of the arrhythmia, if that is what is going on, will be revealed in time. Meanwhile, a visit to a good cardiologist should have you on an anti-coagulant like apixaban (Eliquis) at the very least, and maybe on a low dose of metoprolol if the heart rate is too high much of the time. Again, see a cardiologist ASAP. Also, if there is an arrhythmia, say it turns out to be atrial flutter or fibrillation, those can often be mechanically fixed by an electrophysiologist. They're heart electricians, but with really nice cars. Also, if you have a fairly high 'burden' of ectopic beats (extra or premature beats), you may have to also take an initially low dose of anti-arrhythmic drugs like flecainide, sotolol, diltiazem, propafenone, and so on. Many of us are still alive years after developing an arrhythmia. Just get the rate and rhythm under control as much as you and a cardiologist, or an electrophysiologist, can. You'll feel better and sleep better, and soon you'll come to accept your new condition. Happens to the best of us.

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Replies to "These things are slow to develop, angieb16. They sneak up on you and clobber you, but..."

They developed within a year because I was going to have surgery and they never told me anything was wrong until now I haven’t had palpitations since that day but my heart does race at night most of the time during the day I am fine but at night it’s when it happens and the chest pain for the most part is all day…I have an appt next Monday for my holter monitor results hopefully they don’t show anything major I will look into going to an electrophysiologist