Terrified I have pancreatic cancer

Posted by dharms2000 @dharms2000, Dec 25, 2022

It started with this back pain I’ve had for 4 months it started out of nowhere in my left mid to upper back region. The pain comes and goes and isn’t excruciating. I just ignored it until recently at the beginning of December I drank a whole bottle of wine and the pain was horrible I had pale stools and my boyfriend said I looked yellow I didn’t think I did but he did. I drank water and relaxed and the pain went away after I went to sleep. It was still there but not excruciating. I worried about it for my whole trip when I went hope to visit family. The pain in my back comes and go randomly hurting when I am doing nothing. Some input I was drinking alot and smoking vapes for 4-5 years off and on. I am a 21 year old female. I got sick one day and had a fever started coughing up blood and went to the hospital. I was worried of lung cancer but was given blood work and X-rays everything was fine. So I knew it was just my bronchitis acting up from last month. I was relieved and went on feeling good I thought I was ok. Then I spend the day after the hospital feeling fine and cooking cleaning. I make veggies with quinoa ate it and went to sleep. Woke up in the am with horrible stomach pain, I spent the day with stomach pain and burping excessively. Now I was terrified as I thought about PC symptoms. The pain eventually went away in my stomach but I kept burping and now I have loss of appetite, lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks from barley eating and prob stress but I’m also worried it’s from something more serious. I have just been looking up PC symptoms and stories trying to get answers but nothing is helping. I have mo appetite list of gas in both ends, the back pain still and have been more itchy than usual. I’m wondering if I’m just causing these symptoms myself or if something is really wrong. My doctors said I should worry about that and it should be the last thing on my list of problems. That I am too young and it’s rare. I am still worried my blood work was all normal except for billirubin in my pee which the doctors didn’t say anything about I read my results and googled it. It says it’s not normal and could be a liver problem or a blockage in the biliary duct. That caused more stress and worry. My blood platelets were high as well. Doctors said nothing about my blood work or were worried. I have a gastroenterologist appointment the 17th of January but it’s so far away and I’m so scared. I can’t focus on anything else but worrying I have PC. Any ideas, help or knowledge on what’s going on. Thank you for reading.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.


Hello I got a CT and it shows I have polysplenia. Which is a rare birth disorder but on the way to the hospital I fell and broke my ankle. Now I am very worried because this back pain won’t go away not I have all this shoulder pain and coughing up mucus and wheezing. I’m just scared there’s something wrong and they aren’t finding anything. Will a chest x ray show cancer in the lungs. Will a Ct scan show cancer in the pancreas. I don’t know what to do there’s something wrong.

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I’m not sure with those questions but the ct scan did show cancer for my sister in law.
I’m sorry you fell too on top of what you’re going through.
Please ask for mri and seek proper care from doctors.
Stay strong eat healthy and get support from family and friends 🙏😊💪


Hello I got a CT and it shows I have polysplenia. Which is a rare birth disorder but on the way to the hospital I fell and broke my ankle. Now I am very worried because this back pain won’t go away not I have all this shoulder pain and coughing up mucus and wheezing. I’m just scared there’s something wrong and they aren’t finding anything. Will a chest x ray show cancer in the lungs. Will a Ct scan show cancer in the pancreas. I don’t know what to do there’s something wrong.

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You seem very concerned that you have some sort of cancer, be it pancreatic or lung. I'm sorry you are suffering from what appears to be some very serious anxiety. Have you considered getting help for anxiety? I am not dismissing your health concerns. I know you have polysplenia and a broken ankle--these things are real. But, if you have had a CT and it was normal, please try not to worry. They most likely would have found a tumor through the CT. If you are still unsure, push for a PET scan. Then, trust you are okay. If you do not trust your health care providers, switch providers. Anxiety is a real issue with devastating effects. I hope you will consider getting some help for it. Hope you heal quickly!


Always remember to get a second option if your not satisfied with the answers your getting. I did with my Cancer at Dana Faber in Boston. Sending Prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


What’s your bilirubin level? My blocked bile duct was found via MRI and then on CT. I had an ERCP procedure to look at blockage in bile duct - it was biopsied and was cancer. So, have you had an MRI, CT or ERCP? Insist on it. Bile duct cancer/pancreatic is tough to diagnose but you have symptoms so push for the testing.


I have stag 4 liver and pancreas cancer. I used to drink beer every night and a shot of whiskey. My stomach, and back were hurting very bad. I went to the hospital and they took blood and did a CT scan and told me I had that cancer. I’ve been getting chemo treatments and have an appointment with the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix next week. I’m not giving up.


I have stag 4 liver and pancreas cancer. I used to drink beer every night and a shot of whiskey. My stomach, and back were hurting very bad. I went to the hospital and they took blood and did a CT scan and told me I had that cancer. I’ve been getting chemo treatments and have an appointment with the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix next week. I’m not giving up.

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Me and you both (PC4).... I've been 7 months clean of alcohol.


Hi. I understand your concern. I have two siblings with pancreatic cancer. And they and I share a genetic mutation that puts me at risk. A few years ago I got back pain, weight loss, abdominal pain, and loose stools. I went absolutely nuts for 3 months. Googling everything. Scared to go to the doctor because I didn’t want to face what I felt was a sure diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Didn’t sleep more than an hour a night, worrying. The stress just made my symptoms even worse.

Finally, I went in to the ER, got a ct scan, and it was all clear. A short while layer, my GI discovered it was a parasite. Two days of antibiotics and I was all back to normal.

Something you might Google is the chances of getting PC at your age without any family history. I would imagine it is one in a million.


I have stag 4 liver and pancreas cancer. I used to drink beer every night and a shot of whiskey. My stomach, and back were hurting very bad. I went to the hospital and they took blood and did a CT scan and told me I had that cancer. I’ve been getting chemo treatments and have an appointment with the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix next week. I’m not giving up.

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@gilbertre2, how are you doing? Do you have a new treatment plan?


No, they Mayo Clinic doctor said The chemo I was on was working so I should stay where I am at for now


I have stag 4 liver and pancreas cancer. I used to drink beer every night and a shot of whiskey. My stomach, and back were hurting very bad. I went to the hospital and they took blood and did a CT scan and told me I had that cancer. I’ve been getting chemo treatments and have an appointment with the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix next week. I’m not giving up.

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Hugs and prayers

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