Posted by suemer @suemer, Sep 11, 2018

Has anyone tried this for pain? My daughter-in-law is waiting for steroid injections as she has 2 buldging disks in her back and a torn ligament. Her doctors prescribed Tylenol and Tylenol 3. Did not work. CBD Oil has made a difference. She swears by it! Anyone else tried it?

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I take 2-4 Tumeric/CBD gummies from Charlottes Web brand daily. Usually just 2 in the am but if i need more in pm i take them. I think they help quite a bit. Of course, it could be the Tumeric helping the most, who knows, but the combo seems to work very well for me.


I am 79 and I’ve been smoking marijuana since I’m 20 years of age. I enjoyed every moment of it with all its benefits and all the bad publicity. I finally made the switch to the oils and it’s phenomenal how well it works as it comes down and definitely helps with pain at least dealing with it. I have a night oil incredible. They put you to sleep in 15 minutes with no side effects. It works well. Dryer definitely has the benefit that you might need. No side effects and feeling calm and content. It takes a little while to get used to but do try it as it’s natural and it works.


Hi. Saw your comment about cbd Oil. Yes, I am a 1 year post transplant woman. I have osteoporosis and two bulged disc. I asked the ortho dr about CBD Balm which is suspect is similar and as efficient as CBD oil. I was told that yes cbd balm/ was safe to use for osteo pain and muscles pain. I have two bulged disc which test my patience. I just take two extra strength Tylenols only once a day and rub about 3 pea size ball of CBD balm 300MG. IT works like a miracle. There are several places online where this can be purchased and comes in different strengths. Dr. explained by applying. topically, the CBD BALM does not cross skin into blood thus combining with any medication you may be taking orally. Thank YOU GOD the first time I tried it. This is also great for people; with artheritis and other muscle or joint issues. After checking with my kidney transplant doctors they also approved. This is just my experience,

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I too like to use topicals where possible and use CDB topical. Sometimes topical is not enough.


Hello, I have osteoarthritis in shoulders, knees and lower back. I started using CBD and it definitely helps me sleep- I stopped for awhile and during that time developed heart palpitations. I got an EKG and was diagnosed as sinus rhythm with premature ventricular complexes. The other night the palpitations were bothering me so I picked up my CBD spray- I use CBD 40 with as little THC as possible. It immediately calmed down my heart so I started using it every day again. I just thought I would share this additional benefit that I received!

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