Post Covid/Long Covid: Anyone else experienced bladder issues?

Posted by emmabell @emmabell, Nov 11, 2022

Had Covid on Oct 1st. Most symptoms were gone after about 10 days but I still have a headache and heart palpitations.

Around Oct 21 I started getting bladder issues. I need to pee frequently, day and night, but very small ammounts, and I have bladder pain especially as it fills up (well, as it ”thinks” it fills up).

No bacteria found.

I did some research and found this can actually happen after Covid and is called ”Covid Bladder” or ”Covid Cystitis”. But this is not very known (yet) in my small country so I don’t get taken seriously.

Anyone else experienced bladder issues? I heard it can be treated with Loratidine and Famotidine but I have no idea what dosage?

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I totally agree with you. Long covid inflammation. I eat Activia AM and PM for anti-inflammatory prebiotic. Has helped I feel. Good luck.


For those with bladder pain, see your gynecologist. Long covid may be inflaming the lining of the bladder and can cause severe pain. There is treatment, such as an estrogen cream. And others.


I totally agree with you about the inflammation from COVID. I turned 65 in January of 2021, got COVID with very mild symptoms in February 2021 and both Moderna shots in March and April 2021. The reactions to the shots were worse than having the virus. From then on, everything went haywire. Every place I ever had an injury to a joint started acting up. Yes, and bladder issues of having to go very often. There is the usual fatigue, hair thinning, and brain fog. I still have some problems with taste and smell. Physical therapy has helped with regaining some of my pre COVID strength and endurance. It has also helped with my joints. I knew that just because I turned 65 everything wasn't supposed to go haywire all at once. I have 33 acres to take care of by myself. I certainly don't have time for this evil that was unleashed on us. I'm not going to let it beat me. I pray for everyone who is having to go through all this.


I've had bladder issues for a long time, but got Covid the last week of Sept. More bladder issues now. I'm taking Oxybutynin and a UT support from my naturopath, which is helping.


I have had bladder changes since covid. I don't have an infection. I'm a nurse, had many as a child, and know those symptoms. No burning. I do have to go when I have to go with some resultant leakage.

Here's the thing, I've had long COVID for 2.5 years. I have CRPS which spread from COVID. I ended up on Prednisone for the last two months and everything that was a problem since COVID, went away with such a strong anti-inflammatory. I know am sure it's all from inflammation everywhere which is what long COVID is. Inflammation that won't go away and can (and does for some of us) affect everywhere in the body. About to go on a to inflammatory diet. Should have done it long ago but haven't had the energy to eat healthy food for a while. Living alone, it's usually a quick sandwich. Inflammation. Look at all your symptoms post COVID and see what you can relate to inflammation. If you had it before and it's worse post COVID, it's not your age suddenly. It's post COVID.

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Thank you for sharing this info. I have so many crazy symptoms after Covid. I hope they will come up with something that helps for all of us eventually. I will look into the anti inflammatory diet.


I've had the same bladder problems don't need to go until it's so full it takes minutes and I have to sit, as a man, because standing that long or just getting to the bathroom starts the cycle. First the fatique and shortness of breath upon movement. The moment I exert a bit of energy like having to pick up something I dropped the sweat comes. A profuse strong smelling greasy sweat that will soak through two shirts my hoodie and even wet the inside of my coat. If I stand in one spot long enough I can make a
Puddle from what's dripped off my head and hair. I suffer from some things that prevent me from being able to drive and I can't be a passenger my anxiety is too out of control but I can no longer walk to the store let alone carry home the food I need to eat I don't leave my bed I have a blinding migraine all day every day and I was set to get my lungs checked because when the exertion of energy causes the sweating and loss of oxygen it's not just being out of breath it feels more like suffocating and then my lungs become so painful they feel like when you get road rash falling off a fast moving bike wearing shorts and then someone comes and rubs that ICY-HOT cream all over the wound. That's what my lungs feel like. I told doctor I needed this checked. He was ready to give me referral or schedule the appointment and when I mentioned it's long covid symptoms he said why don't we wait till I see you for referral. Then cancelled my next 4 appointments waiting 3 months or longer in between each one. They wouldn't even let anyone with cold symptoms in our hospital I didn't think they would tell me to go home from long covid symptoms too. So once again like in every health crisis I've had, our shit discriminatory judgemental and lazy doctors refuse to do anything about it. Like when they accused me of overdose when I had flesh eating virus and told me to make my death someone else's problem and get out of his emergency room.. and just like when I had a chest wall infection causing Inflammation so bad it blocked air to my right lung and was pressing against my heart the doctor told me I was lying about my symptoms and he's not entertaining any pill seekers today. This is because my med files show I am an addict. Being sober 10 years does not matter to anyone

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You sound like you might be a candidate for low dose naltrexone. It's used for addiction but is showing great promise for autoimmune and long covid. Just a thought.


I have had sudden onset of bladder pain, tea color urine and urgency since experiencing some other out of expected COVID symptoms. For me…inflammation of cardio vascular system, COVID toes and kidney/bladder damage has been my experience.


@emmabell, did you ask your doctor about taking loratadine or famotidine or a pharmacist?

@beebee000, what has helped your bladder issues?

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I saw this comment. Look up Pepcid(famotidine)for covid an long covid. I read it does help some with symptoms an it's unknown why except it is apparently antiviral against covid spike. My 87 yr old Mother was already on Pepcid 1x a day an got Covid Dec 15th fr my Sister, 58, who got it 5 days earlier. I had read abt Pepcid. 80mg a day is what I told my Mom to start taking. 2 at lunch an 2 at bed on day before she was tested so symptoms had barely started. She did get sick but it was like upper respiratory illness. Mild/Medium. Got zpak(has Pulmonary Fibrosis so didn't want lung infection), Albuterol for nebulizer(dud use that day 10 to get final sm gunk out of chest. Only abt 7/8 times). Dr did give DUMB Paxlovid day 5(why I don't know cause she was getting better by then not worse!) She is diabetic on insulin. Took 2 doses an had severe g.i. issues. Couldn't hardly get out of bed to even eat or check sugar. Not good. Hypoglycemia. So I told her to stop it. She lives with my sister in another nearby state(N.M.)So continued 80 mg Pepcid fr day 1 till day 6 or 7. By then she was much better an just had gunk in upper respiratory or throat an very upper lungs. No big concern. Also did steam in bathroom couple times a day cause she is alone during day while sister at work. But Sister got waaay sicker than my old Mother. Sister did take Paxlovid but started it 4 days before my Mom tested. So Mom was 5 days behind Sister. Way sicker. Then day 14 or 15..Sister rebounded big time. Everything all over again. REAL sick. Had to go back to Dr an get rocephen shot an antibiotic. So was sick like 3-4 wks. Mom sick abt 11 days an symptoms nit as bad. So I believe pepcid helps. Doesn't hurt to do a quick research on it an try. Also, my Mom gets UTI frequently. Like 2-3 a yr. Well abt 8 days ago started getting pain in bladder area when urinating an had uti. Given Doxycycline(allergic to alot of antibiotics unfortunately)100mg 2x day 7 days an just finished. Still has pain in bladder area. Not worse. A tad better but that usually isn't a symptom of hers when she gets one. She is incontinent abt 50%. Changes pads 4x a day. Urinating every 2 hrs*(don't hold urine longer than that. Bacteria grows)takes D-mannose an cranberry supp. I'm in med field so I try to help her an also research alot. Look into Pepcid for long covid. An We all DID NOT get vax. I believe now that is a poss other factor on recovery an frequency of getting covid again. I believe it causes immune system to malfunction. Just my opinion in my research. Goodluck.


I have a different bladder problem. I had a preexisting urethral stricture (I think caused by a cold like virus many years ago, though no one knows for certain) and had been dilated a few times but it wasn't causing me any significant problems and I'd had a check up from the urologist shortly before I had COVID in July. A week into COVID, as I started doing better, I had acute urinary retention and had to have a catheter inserted in ther ER. I had a catheter for 7 weeks, then was doing OK without it. Similar experience when I got the bivalent booster in November. I never had a problem with the vaccines/boosters before I had COVID, perhaps the disease "taught" my immune system to do something very unhelpful in terms of bladder/urethra inflammation. I'm considering low dose naltrexone. I don't have much pain, so if it is IC it is a different variation of it. I haven't heard of anyone having this kind of an experience but would be interested to hear if anyone has.

I've been dilated more extensively now and it has been a couple of months since the booster. Doing fine right now but have a suprapubic catheter for a little while to be sure everything continues to work OK. It has been a long process and it is disconcerting not knowing what to expect (whether other viruses could cause this to flare up again, whether other things could, etc.).


YES. 1 month out and experiencing exactly that- did not realize it's so common!!

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