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I’m on 3, 50 mg tablets of Wellbutrin every morning only.
I never tried getting off it cold turkey as it could send you to the hospital ER I was told. Never stop taking your medication without your doctor’s permission. You and the rest of us have no medical or psychiatric training and some of these meds have horrible consequences if you just quit.

I presently have Covid and been vaxed twice then with a booster.
Unvaccinated people have an 88% chance of being hospitalized so I’m happy to report that I have a moderate case and should be out of the woods in 90 days as far as being contagious.

Vaccinated people get Covid like anybody else because there is no cure for Covid. Pavloxid was given to me for 5 days only. Can’t be taken back to back.

I don’t really care who does or who doesn’t get vaccinated. It’s a personal choice. I’m glad now that ,as awful as it was, I survived it. My sister never got vaccinated because “it’s a hoax”.
She never got covid despite the fact that she traveled to Arizona with 3 other people and all vaccinated people got covid but not her. She never caught it so far. My State is considered a “hot spot “ and I’m high risk because of underlying health conditions.

So I decided that being in the 16% that were never admitted to a hospital with covid due to vaccination verses 88% of unvaccinated people I went with the 16%. My sister and I are close but the vaccine talks kept getting more heated so I have learned to accept her decision and hope that she never gets severe covid.

Vaccines have been politicized and I realize that so I backed off.
She doesn’t believe in my 88% figure. So be it. I however am a vaccine advocate because 8 out of 10 Americans have now been vaccinated and covid hospitalizations are still high but nowhere near what it once was when over a million Americans died from it.

Let me get off my soapbox but I only mentioned my view’s because you brought it up somewhat out of nowhere.

As far as quitting cold turkey because you feel better is never a good thing. Let your doctor wean you off slowly. Be safe.

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Replies to "I’m on 3, 50 mg tablets of Wellbutrin every morning only. I never tried getting off..."

As with most medications, they should be titrated downward under a doctor's supervision. Wellbutrin (Bupropion) typically is best taken in the morning as it does have an activation component. When taken later in the day it can potentially interfere with sleep.