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Dear Patty,
Update: Been in remission for 22 years now.
How do you encourage the team to give you more support? DEMAND IT. Demand it with a smile, and "I know you're busy and overworked, but this is my husband's life we are talking about." The most important thing is to remember that YOU are the customer/client: the one paying.
Where are you seeking tx by the way? I was treated at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA, one of the top facilities in the world and the leading center in bone marrow and stem cell transplants.
At this time in your husband's life, he probably is scared, over-whelmed, may be feeling ill, is in an unfamiliar environment and situation, and doesn't feel heard. He also doesn't feel confident in his team...after all it sounds like communication is sorely lacking.
Can't trust the team? Educate yourselves. Talk to the team leader and the counselor at the facility. Politely and firmly demand that your husband gets the attention he needs for good care. Research shows that patients who advocate for themselves experience a much better outcome. (I was the sweetest, loudest, and longest-living patient they had in the study I participated in. )
For most people, persons of higher status, like professors and doctors are intimating! And your husband is already in a highly stressful and frightening time in his life! The last thing he needs is to feel hopeless, helpless, and intimidated. BTW, what supportive services are offered?
Part of my team included counselors, clergy, caregiver's classes, classes on "what lies ahead," tickets to the ballet (seriously). Every need was met. What supportive (with the emphasis on "supportive") specialists are available to help you and your husband navigate this strange new world?FIGHT! Take back your power.
You are in charge of the outcome, supported by a team of professionals who should be considering both you and your husband's emotional AND physical state.
Here is a link to some books about advocating for yourself and earning that "better outcome."
or...Trisha Torrey, Every Patient's Advocate
~ Author of: You Bet Your Life! The 10 Mistakes Every Patient Makes (How to Fix Them to Get the Healthcare You Deserve)
~ Founder and Director of The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates
Lots to choose from! Yes, I still advocate for myself; trying the coordinate all the specialists remains problematic to this day.
Please arm yourself for the fight. Read everything you can, keep track of questions you want answers for, bring your cell phone or a recorder to every appointment, bring family or close friends if you need to show you have your OWN team.
Now get your battle plan together, then go out for dinner with Hubby and celebrate that the two of you are getting things back under control. Remember that "You da' boss!"

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Replies to "Dear Patty, Update: Been in remission for 22 years now. How do you encourage the team..."

I am just figuring out how to navigate and respond here. Thank you so much for the encouragement. We have an appointment on the 30th with his primary Hemo-oncologist. I have entertained e-mailing him directly with my concerns, but have felt somewhat reluctant as he is seeing 40 patients a day! How is that even possible???

We see the other Myeloma specialist next week to discuss the SCT. I have asked my husband to at least employ the new doc to do the induction tx in tandem with his current doc.

As for me, I wandered into the oncology resource center quite by accident. I am seeing the therapist at the moment. Everyone has the same advice. Be assertive and persistent. I appreciate the supportive words and agree 100% that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

My husband starts the 3rd cycle of treatment on Monday. His Revlimid did not arrive despite having put the request in on the 13th of January. Not sure that one day is going to impact his 14-day on, 7-day off cycle, but yet again, falling through the cracks.

The very best to you. Thank you for responding. It is inspiring to hear that you have had 22 years!

Warm regards,
