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It's so encouraging to hear your story. I am 40 years old & was recently diagnosed. I have the Jack2 mutation. This whole experience has been terrifying for me. I'm currently on 2 baby aspirin & get blood work done every 3 months. My blood count is currently at 615. I've had 2 miscarriages prior to this diagnosis & doctors don't know if they were caused by the TB. I want another baby but I'm scared. I've talked to a high risk OBGYN & they don't seem to be very encouraging. My hemotologist thinks it's possible to do it. Although she thinks the pregnancy may cause a spike in blood count. Hearing your story gives me some hope that it's possible. I am however in my 40s so that might change things for me. Thank you for sharing.

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Replies to "It's so encouraging to hear your story. I am 40 years old & was recently diagnosed...."

It is possible! It was terrifying for me, not only throughout the pregnancy, but also for 2 months after, because I was so scared I was going to throw a clot. When I got pregnant, my platelets were anywhere between 650-700. As I progressed in the pregnancy, my platelets continued to trend down to the high end of normal which was definitely a relief. I am now two years after delivery and still have platelets in the high end of normal! I definitely expected them to spike after delivery, as did my hematologist, but we are both very happy that they have stayed lower than what they were prior to pregnancy