In Remission- should I still require so much sleep?

Posted by codatime @codatime, Jan 8, 2023

I am 71 was diagnosed with PMR in February of 2022. I have gradually reduced my prednisone and for the last 3 months not been taking any. Currently my only meds for PMR are 2.5mg of Methotrexate weekly and 1mg folic acid daily. Overall, I'm doing very well. Pain is way, way down and movement is good. I'm back to yoga with less discomfort and can get up and down with more ease. The only thing I that really remains is my need for sleep. I have trouble waking up in the morning, sometimes staying in bed long after my initial waking. I might even do Wordle and then fall back to sleep. This is after waking up at 9:00 and 9-10 hours sleep. I'm trying to figure out if this is still part of PMR. Have any of you experienced this? Thanks for your help!

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Hello @codatime, Welcome to Connect. I'm not sure your PMR is in remission if you are still taking Methotrexate. It's good to hear your pain is way down and you aren't having any problems except sleep. I think as we get older 9 or 10 hours of sleep is not a bad thing. I try to get a minimum of 8 hours a night.

Do you think you are getting quality sleep? Do you wake up a lot during the night?


Hello @codatime, Welcome to Connect. I'm not sure your PMR is in remission if you are still taking Methotrexate. It's good to hear your pain is way down and you aren't having any problems except sleep. I think as we get older 9 or 10 hours of sleep is not a bad thing. I try to get a minimum of 8 hours a night.

Do you think you are getting quality sleep? Do you wake up a lot during the night?

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Good morning, I am 16 months into PMR and down to 3 mg of prednisone and about to reduce to 2 mg. My pain level is minor, but I too am turning into Rip Van Winkle! I get a solid 8-10 hours of sleep each night, get up and drink strong coffee full of caffeine and immediately go back to sleep for sometimes up to 2 hours. I then have a problem waking up and could probably sleep for longer. By the middle of the afternoon, I am nodding off again! Having said all of this, sleep is a blessing and much preferable to pain. As the amount of prednisone I am taking is small, I have to attribute this sleepiness to PMR. The only way I am getting around it is by staying on the move and not giving in to the temptation of my head on a pillow. Good luck to you; you sound as if you are doing really well.


I am in about the same stage as you - and yes even with 8-10 hours of sleep I can still need more!


Sometimes I go to bed at 8 pm and rise at 8 am.....ridiculous this PMR fatigue.

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