Anyone taken Evenity (romosozumab) for Osteoporosis?

Posted by arlene7 @arlene7, May 27, 2020

Has anyone taken Evenity? I understand it’s only been on the market for a little over a year. I’m hoping it will help with my severe osteoporosis. Any information is helpful.

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I appreciate that knowledge. My doctor tried to push it on me and I was afraid but I went ahead and did the two doses. I also got a Covid booster in between. I have been sick every sense so I have no idea what caused it but my insurance only covers Prolia so that’s what I’m sticking with, but thank you so much for that information. I have one question do you have pain in your arm Where they gave you the shot? I still feel pain where I received the shots .

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I didn't really have any pain at the injection site that made me take notice. I felt bad for at least 2 days after my covid shot. Hope you are feeling better


The thing it, bone growth causes "growing pains" according to my doc.

Nine months is a good chunk of time. I have been told that with Tymlos the first 6 months has the most improvement and then a gentler curve in the next 6, then if taken longer, an even gentler curve.

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Is Tymlos the same as Forteo? I did two years of daily injections. It did wonders for my bones. You can only do two years of that and they put me on prolia. Did great. I went from severe osteoporosis to one point away from Osteopenia. Miss one dose of prolia and ended up where I started and had multiple compressions fractures and spinal fusion on L4&5. 🥺


I didn't really have any pain at the injection site that made me take notice. I felt bad for at least 2 days after my covid shot. Hope you are feeling better

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No I have all sorts of issues but all lab work comes back fine. I think my doctors think I’m crazy. I’ve only one doctor say it could be covid related but did nothing to help. I caught covid 2 months after back surgery before the vaccine came out. Sorry ranting 🙄 thank you for your answer.


Is Tymlos the same as Forteo? I did two years of daily injections. It did wonders for my bones. You can only do two years of that and they put me on prolia. Did great. I went from severe osteoporosis to one point away from Osteopenia. Miss one dose of prolia and ended up where I started and had multiple compressions fractures and spinal fusion on L4&5. 🥺

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@babrardin Tymlos and Forteo both work through the parathyroid and are similar but not the same. Actually the two year limit has been lifted for Forteo. But my doc told me that these drugs work best the first 6 months, then a little less the next 6 months and so on. My doc is "saving" some time on Tymlos for the future.

My doc won't prescribe Prolia for me (not that I want it) exactly for the reason that bone density drops and fracture risk goes up if stopped.

I am amazed that missing one dose did that! I am so sorry. I have 7 vertebral fractures and know what it feels like!


I am very afraid of the side effects of Evenity as well!

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What side effects do you fear?
My twin sister’s mental status has been altered.
I am so worried about her


I am very afraid of the side effects of Evenity as well!

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What side effects do you fear?
My twin sister’s mental status has been altered


Mostly the heart issues...


Hi, new here, my Endo is recommending I start on Evenity & I have many questions, of course. My Endo is a 45 minute drive & I am wondering if it might be better to start with my Rheumatologist, 10 from home. My biggest concern is possibly having a reaction while driving. Has anyone had any immediate reactions I should be aware of? Appreciate any input.


Hi, new here, my Endo is recommending I start on Evenity & I have many questions, of course. My Endo is a 45 minute drive & I am wondering if it might be better to start with my Rheumatologist, 10 from home. My biggest concern is possibly having a reaction while driving. Has anyone had any immediate reactions I should be aware of? Appreciate any input.

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They do Evenity in the office, as you know, so I assume they will make sure you are okay before leaving. Do you have a lot of serious med sensitivities? You could see whichever doctor you like and have the most confidence in, but I doubt that the fear of something happening on the way home is the best reason for the choice, unless your doc feels otherwise. I am sensitive to meds too so I understand the concern!


Hi, new here, my Endo is recommending I start on Evenity & I have many questions, of course. My Endo is a 45 minute drive & I am wondering if it might be better to start with my Rheumatologist, 10 from home. My biggest concern is possibly having a reaction while driving. Has anyone had any immediate reactions I should be aware of? Appreciate any input.

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Welcome @dee12, I moved your post to this existing discussion:
- Anyone taken Evenity (romosozumab) for Osteoporosis?:

I did this so you can read the many helpful posts shared by members and connect with them easily. I see @windyshores has already replied with answers to some of your questions.

Happy connecting.

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