← Return to My Experience on Evenity for Treating Osteoporosis

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Being an identical twin gives you a great comparison- may I ask if you also have osteoporosis?
Wondering why your sister does and not you if you don’t?
I found social interactions exhausting but didn’t really have memory loss. After stopping Evenity, my mood lifted and my focus returned dramatically. My husband and daughter noticed it so it confirmed my own conclusion.

My experience as a patient and nurse is providers downplay when we report side effects. My endocrinologist listened to me and didn’t try to talk me into staying on Evenity. Though her first recommendation to switch to was Prolia.
After reading about how you can’t stop it and can have worse fractures if you do makes me leery.

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Replies to "Being an identical twin gives you a great comparison- may I ask if you also have..."

Yes, but my sisters is much worse. Neither of us have had fractures. My sister was an Orthopedic Surgeon’s assistance. She says falls do not result in hip fractures as much as the hip breaks first.
From the time we were 21 we lived very different life styles. She lead a very protective life and my life was military. As a result over the years we became different in many ways but still have that identical twin connection. I tell you that because I believe that is one reason there are differences in our bones.

When I read some of these notes I am amazed, but understand, how much medication is prescribed and discussed. I hesitate to think $ play a part. It’s good this is an avenue for discussion. I’m glad to see the interest. .
I am happy that your Dr. listened to you. The side effect symptoms you had sound very convincing. I think I’m noticing my sister is less effected, her memory recall has improved some and she is following conversations better. Not back 100% but the improvement is appreciated. I have been so worried about her and the information you provided relieved me. I can’t remember another time I did not have answers.

Would like to know what you decide to do about medication. I question Prolia too. I don’t remember another time there were so many concerns about treatment. I made the decision not to use medication, except calcium, at this time based on my scan and dental. I may need to revisit that decision in the near future.