Electrical shocks throughout my body.

Posted by KidWithShocks @braedenl2202, Nov 13, 2019

Hello. I’m not sure if anyone knows what I am talking about but I am hoping that someone does because I am beginning to feel crazy. Every day, I have an electrical sensation feeling throughout my entire body. The only way I can describe it to people is that it feels like I am being shocked by a light switch throughout my entire body. It is very painful, however only lasts from around 5-20 minutes, 1-5 times a day. It’s starting to scare me because my doctor looked at me like I was crazy, and my nurses chuckled when they heard my symptoms. I am going to a neurologist but they cannot fit me in for another month. It’s very painful for me and it has started to come with a red, splotchy rash from my neck down to my legs. If anyone has any idea what this could be and what I can do to surprise the pain, I would really appreciate the advice. And also if anyone else deals with this please tell me because I really am starting to think I am crazy. Thank you!

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I too am experiencing most of the identical symptoms you are. I have gone to numerous doctors and have gotten the same strange looks like I’m crazy. I have been shrugged at, had eyes rolled at me. I have begged to have someone take me seriously. No one seems to. Started with foot numbness and now hands are involved. I try to sleep (It’s worse at night). I lay in bed and it feels like an electric storm is happening inside me and I’m a lightening rod. I have no idea where the next moly might land. It has happened at any time of day but is worse in evening. I’ve had several EMG’s on legs and nothing is found. I’m at my wits end. I took it upon myself to contact Mayo and request an appt. I was denied being see in Rochester. I’ve had pins and needles and numbness in one foot since I had a total knee in 12/20. I woke and had this in foot and was not taken seriously. I scream and cry most nights and do not know what to do. I’ve had to beg for help but no one helps. I’m desperate and don’t know where to turn next. I don’t want to live this way.


I too am experiencing most of the identical symptoms you are. I have gone to numerous doctors and have gotten the same strange looks like I’m crazy. I have been shrugged at, had eyes rolled at me. I have begged to have someone take me seriously. No one seems to. Started with foot numbness and now hands are involved. I try to sleep (It’s worse at night). I lay in bed and it feels like an electric storm is happening inside me and I’m a lightening rod. I have no idea where the next moly might land. It has happened at any time of day but is worse in evening. I’ve had several EMG’s on legs and nothing is found. I’m at my wits end. I took it upon myself to contact Mayo and request an appt. I was denied being see in Rochester. I’ve had pins and needles and numbness in one foot since I had a total knee in 12/20. I woke and had this in foot and was not taken seriously. I scream and cry most nights and do not know what to do. I’ve had to beg for help but no one helps. I’m desperate and don’t know where to turn next. I don’t want to live this way.

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Hi. In Medscape this week, there is an article written by a former medical journalist. It's directed to Drs. It says Long COVID should have been anticipated based upon "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" (renamed as an encephalopathy) which destroyed his career and life. In the article, he described electric shocks as is referenced here. This is a neurological symptom of a post viral syndrome.
Medscape is for medical professionals and I don't know if anyone can access it directly. But please try to get someone to get it for all of you. Drs generally have not looked seriously at multi symptomatic syndromes and NIH had not given them resources. According to article author, Long COVID is changing that, and answers for similar conditions will likely benefit from the results.
I'm sorry you have been hurt by the mentality of some in the medical profession. Many exist exclusively in a small limited box of knowledge and dismiss, almost with contempt, anything that doesn't fit in. There are only about a dozen academic pioneering medical institutions in US which have the intelligence and resources - and will- to explore all patient conditions until they find answers. We can't all access these, but the Internet and transparency of information such as what Mayo Clinic offers can bring otherwise medically exclusive knowledge to everyone.
There's only 1 Mayo Clinic. The top. Number 1. And look how they have cared so much about suffering people as to provide so many informal services. And at no cost to anyone. Such a this Connect site. Information can reach us now in many ways.
So I encourage you and all who suffer from 'unrecognized' symptoms by medicine to RETAIN HOPE because answers will come, tho it may be slowly.


Raw Honey Tumeric ginger green tea and a Mediterranean diet. 3 days now and feeling better!


My husband has the feeling he is holding a wet sponge and a bare electrical wire is swiped along his right arm, shoulder and neck. It is 24/7. He had strokes 15 months ago and these weird sensations started. No medications he has been given have helped. Gabapentin and numerous others do nothing. The only temporary relief he gets is totally submerging in water. That stops it while submerged but electrical sensation immediately returns once out of pool. His neurologist says it is Central Post Stroke Pain and he must learn to live with it. Really??


I have some of the shock symptoms but no rash.if a get a cut on my feet or split a nail on my hand into the quick the shocks start and are so strong I actually jump when they hit x They come anywhere from every 2-3 minutes for 2-3 days. It is debilitating. The only thing I have found to relieve the pain is to take a 10-15 mg dose of chlonazepam . It puts me to sleep and when I wake up the pain has subsided and the attacks have waned in severity. They are still lasting for a couple of days but the chlonazepam is the only thing I’ve found to provide relief.You are not crazy and if your doctor and nurses are laughing at you they should receive a electric shock in the ass with your boot.


I have some of the shock symptoms but no rash.if a get a cut on my feet or split a nail on my hand into the quick the shocks start and are so strong I actually jump when they hit x They come anywhere from every 2-3 minutes for 2-3 days. It is debilitating. The only thing I have found to relieve the pain is to take a 10-15 mg dose of chlonazepam . It puts me to sleep and when I wake up the pain has subsided and the attacks have waned in severity. They are still lasting for a couple of days but the chlonazepam is the only thing I’ve found to provide relief.You are not crazy and if your doctor and nurses are laughing at you they should receive a electric shock in the ass with your boot.

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@arvc I have some of the shock symptoms. My shocks are enough to knock me down. They start in my toes and end in my head. They take about a tenth of a second, and come about 2-3 times per year. It does not matter what I am doing; walking, reading, showering, computer, whatever. I have not found any relief in any form. One neurologist did suggest they might be related to my CPVT and/or my disappearing brain white matter or my encephally or Gelsolin, but that was as far as he could tell me. oldkarl


@arvc I have some of the shock symptoms. My shocks are enough to knock me down. They start in my toes and end in my head. They take about a tenth of a second, and come about 2-3 times per year. It does not matter what I am doing; walking, reading, showering, computer, whatever. I have not found any relief in any form. One neurologist did suggest they might be related to my CPVT and/or my disappearing brain white matter or my encephally or Gelsolin, but that was as far as he could tell me. oldkarl

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I feel your pain Karl. The electric shocks actually knock me out of my chair and continue in 2-3 min series until the cut is healed, sometimes it’s days. Anyhow I believe in god, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I believe that I can heal myself using Jesus, asking for help, praying for relief. There is nothing left but god and not to make him last choice I should have reversed. He sent me to a certain type of compression socks, I’ve found much relief, now it’s time to heal myself by asking god to help me heal myself. We have the power. I don’t mean to sound like a bible thumper but since I was reborn (Aug) of the this year I have felt the power that god has given me to heal. You can heal yourself as well Karl, please listen and feel the power.

Much love and care
Thanks for entering into my life. You will be healed.

Ken ( from Canada)


I believe that I may have the same thing. For me, it feels like the same type of body ache that you get with the flu, but it's more intense and includes an electric shock feeling all over my body. It feels like it is more superficial, like on my skin, rather than anything related to the central nervous system. I can go weeks without having it, and then experience multiple periods of 5 to 10 minutes in which these "zaps" occur every few seconds or so. I can even feel it on my tongue! I do know that I experience this if I forget to take my venlafaxine, HOWEVER it occurs at other times as well. To add to it, my 15-year-old daughter has been experiencing the same thing for a couple of years (I never told her about mine until she came to me and told me what was happening) and my 14-year-old son came to me yesterday and told me that he was starting to have these same sensations (I never told him about this, either, until yesterday when he brought it up).


Hi. My husband has had the electric shock light feeling going through his body now for a few years now! No Doctor would take him seriously. They looked at him like he was nuts! Then refereed him to a sic Doc. It's getting worse & his threating sue aside. He is begging these Doc & they won't do NOTHING. Please if anyone can give me advice, Please tell me! Thanks Amy


Hi. My husband has had the electric shock light feeling going through his body now for a few years now! No Doctor would take him seriously. They looked at him like he was nuts! Then refereed him to a sic Doc. It's getting worse & his threating sue aside. He is begging these Doc & they won't do NOTHING. Please if anyone can give me advice, Please tell me! Thanks Amy

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Hi Amy @amybray, this must be so hard for you to see your husband suffer and not finding answers. First I want you to know that if you are worried that he may take his life, you can call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (https://988lifeline.org/) to speak with a trained counsellor.
- Call or text: 988
You can also visit their website: https://988lifeline.org

Has your husband seen a specialist, like a neurologist?

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