Total Knee Repair Revision: A Success Story

Posted by ezas123 @ezas123, Aug 4, 2022

Hi all I I am 1 week out of revision today . I must say this recovery has been so different from my first. I have so much more movement in my knee …. My leg goes straight….. my flexion work in progress but I was at .70 right out of surgery ….. I was there a year after tkr…..struggling of course with inflammation which I expected….I am icing and going to my therapist to help with edema…. I started pt this week also so you know how it goes take to where you can than push little more…..the pain really sucks going through this all over again I have not forgot the pain from last time … but the difference is I know I am seeing results already….even with the pain for right now I am so glad I did revision….. good luck to others going through and might be going through this .

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Hi……I have had two TKR on each knee after having had them both rebuilt earlier …..horrible surgeries….to get to the magic 55 yr old to get the artificial. I just had the poly spacer replaced on the left so still in pain mode, and will have to have the poly spacer on right done, to match it and to keep the looseness out of the joint that makes it dislocate. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome a genetic disorder you would see as “double jointedness”…..but it affects all fascia in the entire body. So I’ve had over 40 surgeries in my life for constant corrections where needed. I just turned 72 and have quite a few tricks of the trade to use. I hope you get the corrective surgery done because the damage physically and psychologically by this error, is equally damaging . You recognize this as depleting damning pain rather than healing pain of surgery repair. And being principle caretaker on top of that for another, is nearly unbearable under constant pain. You said he didn’t like the Wed. Reshuffle of the driving….? Translated, he wants you to do it. Well care taking goes both ways and this is him caretaking you and you caretaking yourself. You need 2 days a week , not one……just like a job, the self requires 2 days.
You may also now have some arthritis in the knee due to the incorrectness of it. You may want to try
Topricin Pain Relief Cream w Arnica +10. On Amazon
Or ‘epsom-it’ Muscle Recovery
And then consider that the constant concern and worry are causing you chronic anxiety which without treatment can cause depression. So you may want to check out “Generalized Anxiety Disorder” on line and see how many boxes you tick off as a diagnosis., for you as well as your husband. I have it genetically but it can also be exacerbated by or brought on by chronic pain or illness. I have taken Effexor for it, for decades and am grateful every day of my life for that! …so is my husband grateful!!!! Of the many bonuses… stay in charge of your circumstances in life, they don’t stay in charge of you.
Another thing… sugar, or anything that makes sugar……like white flour, pasta, white rice, because it all promotes the swelling of the joints and compounds your suffering and condition immensely. No one wants to hear that but thats the truth……there are so many lists on line, of inflammatory food and drink we should avoid and most assuredly as we age. And my little trick for getting the fluid out externally is the use of Salon Pas pain patches. The older cheaper ones I like the best. put them on the joint that hurts and get some nice relief for 6 hrs! They peel off soaking wet as they also extricate the fluid from any swollen area!……even help migraines tremendously!……time to elevate and ice this latest knee correction so I’ll sign off and wish you luck and some joy too!!!


Are you saying wrong size implant in your knee? How can they do that? All 2 Dr's have told me is that everything is in place on x rays. No ct scan til first year, which will be Feb. 2nd. I know this has wore me out. 2 back surgeries don't even compare to this knee thing I'm going thru. And because of having 2 blood clots already since tkr I can only take Tylenol no more celebrex.

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I also had ct scan and no red flags! I am so frustrated and was really hoping the fluid removal would solve my pain all these years. So Dr said it was good news/bad news- as there were no red flags. I know going through this is going to be a lot of work and pain - but if a revision will make my quality of life better- I need to do it. I just went through a terrible spinal surgery last year- fusion and laminectomy- and incision opened up 3 weeks post op and I was back in the hospital for a week with 2nd surgery and picc line and 3 weeks of infusion therapy in hospital post surgery. Recovery has taken a year. It’s not for the faint of heart. So I put knee issue on back burner until my spine is better. Now is the time for decisions . My surgeon said that’s the next step.


April joy, so your next step is revision surgery, is this for wrong size implant or rom. Is your leg not straight? Thank you for replying. I am trying to understand why go thru revision? Can the same thing happen again? I hurt so bad in my knee last night I just cried. Now my right knee that was never a problem has started hurting me. The ice helps for a while then pain again. But a surgeon sending me to pain mgt. Has thrown me for a loop
I go Jan. 17th. Maybe he will get me in with a good knee Dr because now I feel like I'm just floating around with no Knee Dr. To go to or ask questions.


April joy, so your next step is revision surgery, is this for wrong size implant or rom. Is your leg not straight? Thank you for replying. I am trying to understand why go thru revision? Can the same thing happen again? I hurt so bad in my knee last night I just cried. Now my right knee that was never a problem has started hurting me. The ice helps for a while then pain again. But a surgeon sending me to pain mgt. Has thrown me for a loop
I go Jan. 17th. Maybe he will get me in with a good knee Dr because now I feel like I'm just floating around with no Knee Dr. To go to or ask questions.

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My leg is straight ….and yes because my knee was too big I could not get rom …. I am 5 months out of revision surgery my knee compared to last year amazing……my first dr that did my tkr sent me to pain management also … I thought dr was going to help find where pain was coming from but no he just wanted to give me medicine I never went back …. That is when I found new surgeon….


So happy for you. This is encouraging. Thank you for replying. Hope you continue to do well.


Hi I ask about this pain mgt. Dr. I said if he just want to throw pills at me I don't want to see him. She said you will find out he is not that kind of Dr. Let's hope not!!!! I have to do all the driving and will not use pain meds and drive. Don't want them anyway. I have to take care of my husband so he does not drive. But this pain , I have got to have help. I know the Dr I want to go to but can't get there. It's a long ways for me to go if he had to do any work on my knee I would need help getting there. I know God has got a plan. I have to trust him. You all are encouraging. Using a care and in pain taking care of my husband is not easy but he is my priority. There is a caretaker coming starting tomorrow mon-friday which will be a great help I hope. Sure hope we can work together. I pray everyo e gets the care and help they need. I appreciate the encouragement.


Once my hips were done, I have been able to manage with my knees for many years, but I think the time for replacement is near. I will not hesitate because my hip surgery was life-changing, even though it was complicated by bad parts. I cannot imagine how bad it would have been limping through life for the past 16 years in constant pain!

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Sue, thank you so much for being a Volunteer Mentor!!!
In my case I just feel a dull stabbing pain in my knee and hip area when walking. It feels as if the implant is too long and it puts pressure in my knee and hip when walking. What search terms can I use on this site to find others experiences with this situation?


Sue, thank you so much for being a Volunteer Mentor!!!
In my case I just feel a dull stabbing pain in my knee and hip area when walking. It feels as if the implant is too long and it puts pressure in my knee and hip when walking. What search terms can I use on this site to find others experiences with this situation?

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Look for "gait training" to see ways to cope with this feelin?


Hi all 7 months out …. Time flies when you are having fun lol …. I am doing ok I have been going upstairs for while but going downstairs slowly…..I still get sore and stiff at times …. But have more good times than bad ….. I still do water therapy I try go twice a week although with life getting busy with watching grandkids now sometimes just once a week …. I do stretches at home many times a day …. I have not gone bake to bike exercise it cause to much inflammation for me…..incumbent bike find works better …. Continue mfr once a week along with chiropractor….. these therapies I stretch out to two weeks if I can …. I do what my body needs ….and if all that is not enough we been going to parks, bowling, libraries , play places grandkids are good therapy lol…..I hope everyone recovery going just as well or better….


Hi all three weeks out and feeling amazing…. My gait is almost normal now although I am still using cane outside of my home I still having some weakness in my quads, and I experience sharp pain with change of direction but that is to be expected….. I talked to pt increased a few exercises to help strengthen area …. Started massage on scar yesterday must say that was painful …..but I can handle anything lol because I wake up the next day and I see progress …. My knee bending a little further without as much pain and my knee looking normal again ….. before this surgery after my first tkr it always looked to big and I had lump on right side dr could not explain ……
My mfr therapist is going away for 3 weeks must say I am little anxious I have been seeing her 3 times a week for edema…. She is giving me a number of someone she trust that can help but they don’t do mfr she is only one where I live that does mfr work … crossing my fingers ….keep you posted

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