Throat Radiation After-Effects, Aspiration & Suffocating Mucous

Posted by Anonymous217382 @anonymous217382, Jan 27, 2021

I am a 61-year-old woman that finished the last of 35 radiation treatments last March 2020. Since then, I have had pneumonia and other lung infections which was finally attributed to aspiration of solids and liquids after a barium swallow test. In that regard, I had a feeding tube inserted hoping that would be the beginning of lung healing, although this is not the case. It has been horrible, with shortness of breath, and at times rushing to the ER because I could not catch a breath. All this time I have been on one antibiotic after another, going on 6 months now! The last two months have been Doxycycline 100 mg. twice per day. Obviously the feeding tube has not stopped the feeling of having constant Bronchitis and if I stop taking the Doxycycline, within two days the substance in my lungs begins turning in consistency to that of super-glue. I had a bronchoscopy done 10/2020, which found heavy e-coli in my lungs, and a sputum test revealed "MRSA" and "Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia." The pulmonologist and Infectious Disease doctors have both denied me any more antibiotics, and I understand their concerns, yet, they have no suggestions for me.

As I sit here, it is 3:00 a.m., and I can not sleep due to the gunk in my lungs making it hard to breath. If I quit taking the Doxycycline, I will be hospitalized within 2-days time, or at the Emergency Room again, in terms of not being able to clear the mucous and breathe. I have to go to urgent-care about once-per-month to have the antibiotics, and that doctor feels I should be on them until (if) this subsides.

I feel as if no-one cares about this condition, or, they know what it is but do not want to admit the truth that the radiation caused this. It must be aspiration causing this lung condition, as there was nothing wrong with my lungs before having radiation for cancer of the Pyriform Sinus (part of throat). The cancer is supposedly gone now, and I am thankful for that. I was a fitness nut, that exercised and ate a healthy greens diet, plus a non-smoker.

I asked the pulmonologist nurse before Thanksgiving what I am supposed to do with no antibiotics..."just die?" She laughed at that statement. Yet, they offered no alternative, or help. My ENT Doctor scopes me approximately every 3 months, and claims my throat is still extremely swollen, yet the swelling is subsiding very slowly. For 8 months I could only whisper, but now have my voice back. The ENT said he can finally see my vocal cords, but this thick mucous problem goes on. If you put your fingers on the depressed area of your throat--by the Trachea--that is the area where the mucous seems to be lodged. Again, as long as I am on antibiotics, the thick mucous can be coughed up with the help of a nebulizer of 7% saline. If I am not on antibiotics, the mucous turns into a cement-like substance, whereupon nothing will dislodge it. The hospital gave me IV antibiotics twice, which began clearing it up rather fast.

By the way, I have been to two Pulmonologists, and both are stumped. They both prescribed many different inhalers--Albuterol, Symbicort--others, and if this is any clue, these inhalers make my throat worse. In fact, the last time I used the albuterol was in desperation, and it almost closed up my throat totally. The second-opinion Pulmonologist described that reaction as "very interesting." Currently, not taking solids or liquids by mouth, in hopes this will go away.

Sorry to write all that! This has been submitted hoping someone will instruct me as to where to go from here? Another ENT, or another Pulmonologist?

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November 2019 I was (prebiopsy) diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma base of tongue. The first ENT had an ego large than life and crappy bedside manners, but subjected me to 8 hours on the table at a failed biopsy. Then says that he was unsuccessful due to not having updated equipment... So scheduled with his associate this time about 9 hours on the table (New Years Eve @ the Cleveland Clinic. Everyone was there even, the pathology department. They verified that it was HPV positive, which set the treatment regimen. The radiation and chemo got me prepped for treatment by having a feeding tube installed, but no port for infusions. Eight and a half weeks left me with the worst case of head and neck lymphedema that the oncologist had seen in 15 years... (none of the oncologists could be found on my first lymphatic blow out (neck was as large as my head)). The ER wanted to perform a tracheotomy (about every hour), I have to use a lymphatic suit/pump 2 to 3 times a day. It is a battle every day... and I have a autoimmune disorder (post cancer treatment) Salivary glands and lymph glands (right side) head and neck are toast. I battle with thick and ropey mucous 24/7/365. I have tried everything... no changes... I was checking out a video blog
where Dr. Jin Sung is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in the management of complex chronic conditions. He is located in Massachusetts. He talks about the use of a nebulizer Nebulized L-Glutathione Plus-Reduced. Here is the link to the video:

I have discussed this with my GP/PCP and she seemed to be very open to the treatment and I have a script for the nebulizer and waiting for insurance (Medicare) to approve (if coded properly.) The Glutathione reduced is available OTC. Glutathione works to breakup the mucous. I a disabled, so I have nothing to lose. 1 mile view...


Hello, @jessskoldal, @melanchete, I am the "anonymous217382" and wrote the "Throat Radiation After-Effects, Aspiration & Suffocating Mucous," dated January 27, 2021. Update: Alot has changed since that post, and those changes are explained in numerous posts. These are located in the "Lung Health" group. This is because people asked questions about throat mucus in that particular group...I never really looked to see which group was posting, I just answered! Since that post of almost two years ago, the doctors performed a tracheotomy. It was found my vocal cords were paralyzed, the cause of all my woes (well, some of them!). This operation has been a lifesaver. I had to do many exercises (prescribed by therapist) of the throat muscles to get my voice back, and the ability to eat and drink. It took a good year. The lymphedema gets worse if the tracheotomy neck-strap is too tight, or any kind of constricting-type irritation to that area. For instance, a humidifier which requires a strap around neck...a big no-no. Also, red-light therapy has greatly helped with the mucus, and the lymphedema. It is just a small wand I bought for about $10.00. In addition, an electric "Kneading Neck Massager" works well to relieve the lymphedema in the neck area. Please give it time, for that seems to be the one thing that helps the most. I wish you all the best.


November 2019 I was (prebiopsy) diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma base of tongue. The first ENT had an ego large than life and crappy bedside manners, but subjected me to 8 hours on the table at a failed biopsy. Then says that he was unsuccessful due to not having updated equipment... So scheduled with his associate this time about 9 hours on the table (New Years Eve @ the Cleveland Clinic. Everyone was there even, the pathology department. They verified that it was HPV positive, which set the treatment regimen. The radiation and chemo got me prepped for treatment by having a feeding tube installed, but no port for infusions. Eight and a half weeks left me with the worst case of head and neck lymphedema that the oncologist had seen in 15 years... (none of the oncologists could be found on my first lymphatic blow out (neck was as large as my head)). The ER wanted to perform a tracheotomy (about every hour), I have to use a lymphatic suit/pump 2 to 3 times a day. It is a battle every day... and I have a autoimmune disorder (post cancer treatment) Salivary glands and lymph glands (right side) head and neck are toast. I battle with thick and ropey mucous 24/7/365. I have tried everything... no changes... I was checking out a video blog
where Dr. Jin Sung is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in the management of complex chronic conditions. He is located in Massachusetts. He talks about the use of a nebulizer Nebulized L-Glutathione Plus-Reduced. Here is the link to the video:

I have discussed this with my GP/PCP and she seemed to be very open to the treatment and I have a script for the nebulizer and waiting for insurance (Medicare) to approve (if coded properly.) The Glutathione reduced is available OTC. Glutathione works to breakup the mucous. I a disabled, so I have nothing to lose. 1 mile view...

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@melanchete, Glutathione is often discussed in the infectious lung condition group called MAC & Bronchiectasis.

- Glutathione: What dosage do you use? Where do you get it?

Here is journal article with more information:
- The Treatment of Pulmonary Diseases and Respiratory-Related Conditions with Inhaled (Nebulized or Aerosolized) Glutathione


I had my surgery in Feb 2O21. Surgery went fine but that night I aspirated and ended up in ICU for 7 weeks. Long story. BUT I'm still here. You have been through so much. You must be tough! All I can say is be positive, day by day. Message me if you wish. Take care!


Hello, @jessskoldal, @melanchete, I am the "anonymous217382" and wrote the "Throat Radiation After-Effects, Aspiration & Suffocating Mucous," dated January 27, 2021. Update: Alot has changed since that post, and those changes are explained in numerous posts. These are located in the "Lung Health" group. This is because people asked questions about throat mucus in that particular group...I never really looked to see which group was posting, I just answered! Since that post of almost two years ago, the doctors performed a tracheotomy. It was found my vocal cords were paralyzed, the cause of all my woes (well, some of them!). This operation has been a lifesaver. I had to do many exercises (prescribed by therapist) of the throat muscles to get my voice back, and the ability to eat and drink. It took a good year. The lymphedema gets worse if the tracheotomy neck-strap is too tight, or any kind of constricting-type irritation to that area. For instance, a humidifier which requires a strap around neck...a big no-no. Also, red-light therapy has greatly helped with the mucus, and the lymphedema. It is just a small wand I bought for about $10.00. In addition, an electric "Kneading Neck Massager" works well to relieve the lymphedema in the neck area. Please give it time, for that seems to be the one thing that helps the most. I wish you all the best.

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Hi thomason. I was reading your post, and you said you use red light therapy to help with all the mucus. Can you tell me what that is and where I can buy the "wand". I has base of the tongue and left tonsil cancer in 2018. Since then I had a tracheostomy, which causes a TON of mucus. Radiation narrowed my airway, so the mucus feels like it suffocating me sometimes I appreciate any help you can give me.
Thank you!!


I had the same issues .. not much anymore but , my naturopath doctor for cancer told me to put ice on my throat if it is still sore.. rinse my mouth 4 times a day with a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of salt in a bottle of water. Just rinse swish it and spit.. she also suggested to take olive leaf extract for my lungs to keep bacteria out.. make sure if you take other meds check with your doctor about it. She said they give it to ppl with cystic fibrosis I was hospitalized 5 times with bacterial pneumonia... I couldn't take it anymore so I did research and I take zinc to help with tasting and saliva meds and mouth wash just for dry mouth and that worked wonders my dentist found it for me . My problem is I get thrush so much. are you sure it's not thrush ... I get it in my throat so bad and works its way up and down my esophagus... it feels like mucus


Hi there: it sounds like we have the same problem with mucus in your throat. I had
Esophageal cancer and about 30 rounds of radiation but on the chest area. I always have a buildup of mucus in my throat and food gets caught in it. It is progressively getting worse so much that I am on oxygen now. The only explanation my surgeon will give me is that it is caused by scar tissue. I find that taking a sip of cough medicine for mucus and phlegm, loosens it and I can cough it up. The food/mucus builds up on the right side of my throat so if I lay down on my left side, it will dislodge itself. I am fed up with this. It would be great if someone has any ideas to help with this infuriating problem! Hope this helps. I will share any helpful information with you if you wish. Good luck!


So prior to my treatments my oncologist prescribed me the pneumonia vaccination. He said they will tell me I’m too young for the vaccine but you’re going to begin aspirating shortly after treatment begins and we need to fight off pneumonia.
My oncologist also instructed me to start running a mist style humidifier 24/7 to loosen the mucus that will begin building up. He also advised to take the brand name Mucinex(spelling?).
Though I followed the preventative measures I still woke during the night and in the morning with difficulty breathing and a gummy like throat. I still wake this way even after nearly 7 years.
I haven’t used the mist machine in years but what I still do is run water until it’s coffee like hot. I sip just a bit then hack the loosened mucus up and out. I do this repeatedly until my throat is clear. Some days it takes several rounds and others just a few.
My epiglottis is barely functioning so eating without aspiration is nearly impossible. I have times that I can barely get enough air intake to hack the blockage out. I have found that quite surrounding, no talking and plenty of fluids while eating is key!
You may want to try my methods and hopefully they work for you. Best wishes!


O Boy do I hear you the Late effects of Radiation are bad I finished mine 3/22/22, twice daily, Mucus is no better, At times I can't catch my breath, have to carry water around 24/7, Hoarse voice so had it. Alot of inflamation going on, Left Ear killing me due to Mucus backing up I assume, Antibiotics aren't helping, I eat, but not like I use to
I have Stage 3 Larynx Cancer. I guess we have to deal with the side effects, IDK anymore..I'm here. Holler if you need to talk
Hugs 🤗
As of Oct, no recurrence, but go every 3 months for a Scan..


So prior to my treatments my oncologist prescribed me the pneumonia vaccination. He said they will tell me I’m too young for the vaccine but you’re going to begin aspirating shortly after treatment begins and we need to fight off pneumonia.
My oncologist also instructed me to start running a mist style humidifier 24/7 to loosen the mucus that will begin building up. He also advised to take the brand name Mucinex(spelling?).
Though I followed the preventative measures I still woke during the night and in the morning with difficulty breathing and a gummy like throat. I still wake this way even after nearly 7 years.
I haven’t used the mist machine in years but what I still do is run water until it’s coffee like hot. I sip just a bit then hack the loosened mucus up and out. I do this repeatedly until my throat is clear. Some days it takes several rounds and others just a few.
My epiglottis is barely functioning so eating without aspiration is nearly impossible. I have times that I can barely get enough air intake to hack the blockage out. I have found that quite surrounding, no talking and plenty of fluids while eating is key!
You may want to try my methods and hopefully they work for you. Best wishes!

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Mucinex & Humidifier doesn't help me. IDK, The Mucus is so thick, my throat so dry you can light a Match on it, which gives me Hoarse voice. But I'm getting 0 help, except keep taking Mucinex, IT DOESN'T HELP. are they not hearing me
Very Frustrating..thx for listening

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