← Return to Asbestos exposure: What are the chances of developing mesothelioma?

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Good morning @davidsmith76 From information I’ve found, most people exposed to asbestos don’t develop (asbestos based) mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is rare and can happen without exposure to asbestos.

From our Mayo Website (with the informational link attached below) “Most people with asbestos exposure never develop mesothelioma. This indicates that other factors may be involved in determining whether someone gets mesothelioma. For instance, you could inherit a predisposition to cancer or some other condition could increase your risk.”

The possibility for chances of this cancer can be impacted by the level of exposure and the length of time. It can take decades for the disease to develop.
Another informational article for you to read from Asbestos.com https://www.asbestos.com/mesothelioma/latency-period/#:~:text=How%20Long%20Does%20Mesothelioma%20Take%20to%20Develop%3F%20Mesothelioma,cases%20have%20been%20around%2060%20to%2070%20years.

How long ago were you exposed? There are a number of jobs more commonly associated with the risk.

Asbestos miners
Firemen/rescue workers
Shipyard workers
Demolition workers
Brake mechanics
Selected military personnel
Home remodelers
Were you employed in a high risk area?

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Replies to "Good morning @davidsmith76 From information I’ve found, most people exposed to asbestos don’t develop (asbestos based)..."

It was about three years ago. I had a fellow remove some asbestos tiles from my basement and he really did not follow the proper procedure for doing such a project. At that time, I knew nothing about how it had to be done correctly and safely. He was there just a day doing the job. He put the tiles in the black plastic bags and took them away for me. I am assuming he disposed of them correctly. Again, I was not aware of how this project should have been done.