Has anyone had experience using cymbalta for pain relief?

Posted by Always Hopeful @AlwaysHopeful, Mar 26, 2017

Has anyone had experience using cymbala for pain relief?

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I do. Cymbalta takes the edge off arthritis pain; also prevents anxiety. No side effects.

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Cymbalta is almost impossible to stop taking it. It never helped me for my gastrointestinal pain.
Go to the blog of people trying to get off of it.


Is the generic called duloxtine if so it worked good for back pain


Cymbalta is almost impossible to stop taking it. It never helped me for my gastrointestinal pain.
Go to the blog of people trying to get off of it.

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Cymbalta can be stopped, but like any other medication in its class it requires a slow taper. At 60 mg per day, I was told the stopping time would be 11-12 weeks, going down 10 mg per week. But it still works for me, so no problem at this time. Higher doses, as for depression, are much harder to stop, so I am resisting an increase at this,point.


Cymbalta can be stopped, but like any other medication in its class it requires a slow taper. At 60 mg per day, I was told the stopping time would be 11-12 weeks, going down 10 mg per week. But it still works for me, so no problem at this time. Higher doses, as for depression, are much harder to stop, so I am resisting an increase at this,point.

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I began taking Cymbalta because extreme back pain.I read about the analgesic effects at 60 mg. After taking it for about a year and a half it wasn’t working for back pain so I decided to stop. I tapered off slowly as directed, and during that I did still have some pain relief, now that I’m all over the Cymbalta, the pain is back, and I must say that the side effects of tapering off were horrible. I got, but I now know as rebound anxiety. I actually do believe I have residual problems because of it.


Cymbalta is almost impossible to stop taking it. It never helped me for my gastrointestinal pain.
Go to the blog of people trying to get off of it.

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It actually caused me intestinal problems. Constipation being the worst. I’m totally off Cymbalta now but it was sooo hard .


I have. I slowly worked up to 60 mg because I read that it would relieve back pain. When you didn’t do that for me, I’ve began tapering off slowly. The tapering took me about eight months. I’m glad I’m off of it, but I was not myself during the tapering. I think it caused me more anxiety than I ever had before I started taking it.


It did help with my generalized joint pain but I developed terrible GI/constipation issue. Was not worth that grief. Coming off of it was an interesting experience but fortunately, don’t think I have any residual long-term effects from it.


I am taking cymbalta & not sure if it helps with fibromyalgia or not- had a major flare up yesterday with the cold damp weather & wondering if weather change flares are common for fibro folks-

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Absolutely, cold or rainy weather affects my fibro and arthritis. Stress causes my pain to flare up, sometimes very badly. I take Cymbalta and Lyrica and Nortriptyline, for many years Also take Tizanidine, a muscle relaxer, for quality sleep. I am always happier when the days get longer, with more sunshine. I use a Happy Light, aka bright light therapy, which helps my depression. I have never had any bad side effects from any of the meds I listed here. I hope this helps some of you! It is a daily struggle when you have Fibro. When I am having a terrible flare up, I try to say to myself, this too shall pass, or I hope tomorrow will be a better day, I also take different vitamins and supplements that I believe help me. I find learning all about Fibro, has helped me cope with it.


No that was one of the first things I went on. Then Gabapentin which works well for so many people. I’m also on Savella too. Much love and hugs for healing and feeling better


I am adding my comment to others on cymbalta, duloxetine. It gave me constipation close to a blockage. It made my thick hair fall out. It raised my blood pressure to heights I never experienced. Going off was very hard. Pain in body and mind are hard to bear. We are better off NOT taking these meds but being very careful to manage pain with as little drugs as possible............use hot water, hot rubs that do not smell much, ice, rest, showers, and more showers, and keep warm. Watch out for nightshades vegetables ( they are tomato, potato, egg plant, and pepper) , Keep weight down although this is very hard if you can't exercise! You can't eat much but if you eat good amounts of vegetables and less calories in bread, potatoes, rice, and wheat etc. It is possible to lose weight. It just takes time. Cut portions down a lot. Do what you can for exercise on good days. Don't over exercise if you have not been exercising or you get hurt.......start slow and keep steady at it.

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