Has anyone had experience using cymbalta for pain relief?

Posted by Always Hopeful @AlwaysHopeful, Mar 26, 2017

Has anyone had experience using cymbala for pain relief?

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I was prescribed this but, it made me dizzy all the time


I’m currently taking it and just like the rest of you I don’t notice that it is helping the fibromyalgia pain.


I tried it but it caused aggravation for my GI problems. I have seen successful results with Cymbalta. I’m a nurse with 45 years experience!


I tried it but it caused aggravation for my GI problems. I have seen successful results with Cymbalta. I’m a nurse with 45 years experience!

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Cymbalta has helped my back pain for 3 years now. I can tell a difference on it than any anti depressant I have been on.


I've been on cymbalta for about 16 years now. Originally a doc said it was an antidepressant used for people with chronic pain. Moved to different state where primary care doc prescribed all your medications. She told me that she thought worked better for fibromyalgia (I have) than Lyrica or Gabapentin. I take 1 60mg tab and 1 90mg tab, but have many more health issues than just fibro. Never had any side effects from it.
Hope this helps a bit. Any questions, let me know.


I am in the medical field and I would beg to differ on the "well tested" part of prescription drugs. Many of them were tested on male populations, some are fast tracked, and many of them seem to have side effects including death!?
Have you listened to the adds on some of these newer drugs. Your psoriasis will get better, maybe 70%, but your kidneys might fail and your immune system will be compromised, etc etc etc! There are studies done on many vitamins/minerals/natural supplements. Often these are done in other countries or Learning institutions because there is no money to be gained for big Pharma. They can't patent natural. No money means less studies and more synthetics.

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I love the commercial of the guy digging clams in a daze with a puffy clouds sky, shown while they read a minute long list of side effects. Exactly how I felt on it, dreaming about digging clams.


I do. Cymbalta takes the edge off arthritis pain; also prevents anxiety. No side effects.


I tried it but it caused aggravation for my GI problems. I have seen successful results with Cymbalta. I’m a nurse with 45 years experience!

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Interesting. I had a doctor want me to try it for GI - upper abdominal pain.


I've been on Cymbalta for years off and on and it works great for my pain of lupus and fibromyalgia. Just be willing to give up completely your sex drive and possibly some weight gain but it may be worth it


I've been on Cymbalta for years off and on and it works great for my pain of lupus and fibromyalgia. Just be willing to give up completely your sex drive and possibly some weight gain but it may be worth it

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Did you have trouble coming off of it when you did? I would like to try it because the gabapentin is not working that well but am afraid that if I have side effects from it, it will be difficult to get off of it.

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