Depression: What treatment can I try after so many years?

Posted by miray67 @miray67, Apr 22, 2020

I have fought depression and anxiety since I was about seven years old when I had panic attacks. Without revealing my age what can you take when you have tried all the older medicines? It’s been with me for MANY years. Not the panic attacks but long spells of depression and anxiety to the point I am ver shaky most of the time. I’m sure there newer medications than the ones doctors want me to try again. I am now on Paxil again after trying it back in 1995. Seems it does everything except what it’s supposed to do. My present doctor refuses to change it but has reduced the dosage again to 25mg from 37.5. I hate to keep changing doctors and trying over and over. Being confined for so long hasn’t helped, of course. I am in good health for my age, still drive a little and do most everything for my self with weak need and chronic pain.

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My daughter has been suffering from depression and anxiety for 10 years and has struggled to finish school because depression is debilitating and anxiety to the point she can’t do anything She is now trying TMS therapy it’s a type of magnetic pulse therapy to the part of brain that controls these issues
We want to try anything to help her feel good . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 a lot in hopes that my daughter feels good again. If you decide to try good luck It takes dedication 7 weeks everyday except weekends


Please read my posts. Perhaps Ketamine could be helpful to you also. @jokarr60


My daughter has been suffering from depression and anxiety for 10 years and has struggled to finish school because depression is debilitating and anxiety to the point she can’t do anything She is now trying TMS therapy it’s a type of magnetic pulse therapy to the part of brain that controls these issues
We want to try anything to help her feel good . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 a lot in hopes that my daughter feels good again. If you decide to try good luck It takes dedication 7 weeks everyday except weekends

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I had a diagnosis of Clinical depression and severe anxiety at age 18. I’ve had all possible treatments. In March of this year I began taking oral Ketamine at home snd had very good results. Perhaps they could help. @jokarr60


I also highly recommend Ketamine. It may not be cheap, but it worked for me like nothing else. Good luck to you AND your daughter, happy holidays!


I had a diagnosis of Clinical depression and severe anxiety at age 18. I’ve had all possible treatments. In March of this year I began taking oral Ketamine at home snd had very good results. Perhaps they could help. @jokarr60

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Physical excercise stimulates endorphins so positive for us all

Listening to positive audio tapes

Reading positive books

Keeping our circle of friends that are positive


Lots of water


My daughter has been suffering from depression and anxiety for 10 years and has struggled to finish school because depression is debilitating and anxiety to the point she can’t do anything She is now trying TMS therapy it’s a type of magnetic pulse therapy to the part of brain that controls these issues
We want to try anything to help her feel good . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 a lot in hopes that my daughter feels good again. If you decide to try good luck It takes dedication 7 weeks everyday except weekends

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Hi, berard10!
I hope TMS is going to work for her. I know it does for many people. I heard about Transcranial Magnetic therapy from a close friend. For her, it worked after only 6 (six !) treatments, so I hope it is going to help your daughter too. I couldn't take it, even though I so much wanted it to work. I know it is NOT listed among the side effects, but all of a sudden I got toothache and I started having such bad pain in the right side of my belly, where my right ovary is, that I had to go to the emergency room after my fifth treatment. I also started getting hot flushes like crazy. When I called the center where they gave me TMS and asked them to check with the doctor if TMS in some way affects the endocrine system they said the doctor had said it did not, that the only side effects they knew of were the known ones: pain at the treatment site, headache, and toothache and they all go away after a little while. Well, to make a long story short: I stopped after my 5th treatment. I kept having a pain in my ovary for a little while after I interrupted TMS, while hot flashes continued bothering me for much longer).
But, as I said, I hear TMS does help many, so I do hope the 36 treatments your daughter is going to take also will help her to get ridden of her debilitating depression and anxiety. I wish you and your daughter the very best and thank you so much for sharing your experience. 😊 Merry Christmas to you and to your family!


I had a diagnosis of Clinical depression and severe anxiety at age 18. I’ve had all possible treatments. In March of this year I began taking oral Ketamine at home snd had very good results. Perhaps they could help. @jokarr60

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Thanks for the suggestion that is something else we are thinking about and looked into as well


Hi, berard10!
I hope TMS is going to work for her. I know it does for many people. I heard about Transcranial Magnetic therapy from a close friend. For her, it worked after only 6 (six !) treatments, so I hope it is going to help your daughter too. I couldn't take it, even though I so much wanted it to work. I know it is NOT listed among the side effects, but all of a sudden I got toothache and I started having such bad pain in the right side of my belly, where my right ovary is, that I had to go to the emergency room after my fifth treatment. I also started getting hot flushes like crazy. When I called the center where they gave me TMS and asked them to check with the doctor if TMS in some way affects the endocrine system they said the doctor had said it did not, that the only side effects they knew of were the known ones: pain at the treatment site, headache, and toothache and they all go away after a little while. Well, to make a long story short: I stopped after my 5th treatment. I kept having a pain in my ovary for a little while after I interrupted TMS, while hot flashes continued bothering me for much longer).
But, as I said, I hear TMS does help many, so I do hope the 36 treatments your daughter is going to take also will help her to get ridden of her debilitating depression and anxiety. I wish you and your daughter the very best and thank you so much for sharing your experience. 😊 Merry Christmas to you and to your family!

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Thank you so much for sharing your story I’m so sorry you weren’t able to finish treatments with those terrible side effects
There is another treatment to try which another reader has done with good results it is ketamine therapy


Thank you so much for sharing your story I’m so sorry you weren’t able to finish treatments with those terrible side effects
There is another treatment to try which another reader has done with good results it is ketamine therapy

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Hello, and thank you so much for suggesting Ketamine.
I have heard of it, and it's nice and helpful to know that others here have tried it and that it worked well for them. I checked (when I was taking TMS). They did offer ketamine infusions there as well. (But it was 300 dollars for each infusion and my insurance did not cover one single cent of it. ;<( I struggle with a terrible depression caused by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia .... Of these diseases, the one I can cope the least well with, and that strips me completely of a normal life, is CFS. Each of these problems, alone, can contribute to developing depression. Combined, they make you sick with terrible depression. Since Monday evening I finally have been feeling better, after having been very sick since the beginning of May - every single day for nearly 8 months. I am now able to write these few lines - something I could not have done up to last Sunday (because even something as simple as washing my hair, would have required energy that I did not have and would have made me feel like I was climbing Mount Everest.) When I am better, like right now, my depression becomes more tolerable because I can do ordinary things like watching tv, reading a book, cleaning the house a little, turning on the computer, listening to music, taking a good shower, washing my hair - taking necessary phone calls - in other words doing things that others might take for granted but that for me constitute a huge obstacle when I am so sick. (So, all of this to say that yes, I might consider ketamine next time around, but I sure hope it does not come so soon. I hope to stay a little healthy for a little while 😊).


My wife has been diagnosed schitzo-affective for over 45 years ago. She has been taking Fluphenazine 5 mg daily to control her diagnosis, it works, BUT the side effect of the med is depression and insomnia. All the anti depressants and sleeping pills either work for a little while, then stop working or she quits due to the side effects. She currently takes temazepam, gives her 3-5 hrs of sleep, along with withdrawal symptoms of nausea and dry heaving when the mg in her system gets low... very addictive. Obviously, when she is depressed and nauseous she just wants to die, but the other 10% of her days, she does have the hope of better days. Her goal is to, lower the temazepam dosage from 60 mg to 30 mg, hoping that will stop the withdrawal side effect of nausea/dry heaving, then try to get approved for TMS depression therapy to remove the depression, which will help her to sleep by becoming less dependent on temazepam. And start enjoying life.

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