← Return to Cholangiocarcinoma - Bile Duct Cancer - anyone else dealing with this?

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Hello, my husband is scheduled to start chemo right after Christmas, long medical history, started with chemo, then the wipple surgery they thought he had pancreatic cancer when they opened him up and could not do surgery it had spread. So repaired a huge herina and closed him. The surgen switched to bile duct after surgery. He has had many side effects related to chemo not to mention E Coli in his baldder and is now filling up with fluid for unknown reasons.. Hopefully he will soon be over these medical problems. His quality of life has been very poor, very sick. He will be on the same chemo drugs plus you have been and our surgon wants him to add Durvalumab to extend life. The Cisplatin will be given in 2 smaller doses to try to help him tolararate the drug. So we will see. Take care. One question why are they doing PET scans? Our Dr brushed it aside and said they were not the best for this Cancer. We are open to the best scans and would love to hear more on your doctors thoughts. We are just searching for the best care and we live in a small town.

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Replies to "Hello, my husband is scheduled to start chemo right after Christmas, long medical history, started with..."

Greetings and thanks for your post. Since he was "opened up" the PET scan was not necessary. I experience the primary side effects of "chemo brain", brain "fog", confusion, forgetfulness, some gastrointestinal "upset" such as incontinence and loose bowels. I wear Depends. My other side effects include restlessness and disturbed sleep. I take naps as needed. I have muscular weakness and balance issues which present a fall danger. My first indication of cancer was falling. I use a walker. I was hospitalized with an E Coli infection. I got Covid twice and my chemo treatments were suspended while I got my second Covid booster and a Flu shot. I don't go in public and when I go to get chemo I wear a mask. I'm not familiar with Durvalumab. I live in Houston, Texas. I assume you have read my post. I often repeat myself. Forgetfulness is another side effect.

I guess mine are CT scans.
I am so sorry for his plight.
You both must be at wit's end!
Enjoy any help that is offered!