Feeling down but hopeful

Posted by 143salmon @143salmon, Nov 29, 2022

Im desperate and looking for advice on doctors and what tests should I have my doctor add to the normal list.
I’m 44 female
I am considered good health but my body does get hit with random issues these days.
I’ve had to stop working and my life has been put on hold.
I need to work and I love to work. I’m a bit of an A personality type but more about helping people and getting stuff done to add value to my clients. Being stationary is a major shift.

Past issues
Gallbladder out at 30, uterine polyps at 40
lack of Vitamin D
skin infections that don’t heal easily
Acetine Chelitis a lot and cold sores
many ear or viral infections.
2018- A tick in me for 24 hours but took antibiotics. Threw the antibiotics up 1 hour later, doc said it was fine.
Dehydration even when I drink pedialite
Crave sugar and salt but now after a recent appendix removal and major antibiotics, my cravings decreased. My diet is mainly Whole Foods with a snack or cheese here and there.

The last three years turned upside down:
debilitating brain fog
Difficulty with quick responses and my patience is low.
Pelvic pressure at times.
Pressure in my brain or skull. I wear an ice pack under my beanie and it helps.
Crackling in my head like rice crispies.
I have apathy or disinterest in motivating myself to do things but i don’t feel chronically depressed from all this. I feel frustrated and worried.
I don’t have energy to do stuff, like read emails, focus or have energy to reply. Same with phone calls and texts. I used to be t the queen of get crap done!
Buzzing or tingling in limbs like electrical currents, mainly legs.
Sometimes restless legs at night.
cramping or weak hands I now call the claw, lol
Two ear infections in two years that were insanely painful and one required antibiotics.
I take an SSRI and studies show it messes with your gut biomes.

Ugh where to start? My GP is great but he seems confused too.

Help please

Been diagnosed with IBS. Since my appendicitis in sept. my bowl movements have been varied.

I started running daily for 10-20 minutes and it helps my energy a bit but not cognition or the pulsing legs.

Antibiotics always make me feel ‘normal’ for a week after use but I can’t take them often for my overall health.

I tested positive for H1-b27 but I don’t have symptoms so I think it’s a latent thing or false positive.

My doc thinks it’s an autoimmune disease or an infection.

Could be
Adrenal fatigue
Diabetes 2?
Lyme disease
Infections or bacterial or maybe a parasite?
Or who knows.

All my test come back normal but it’s pretty clear something is not working with my body. It seems I can’t control my own bodies feeling.

I meet a generic ruhmotologist (spelled incorrectly I know) in February but feel I can’t wait or my mental health will suffer.

I need a doctor that hears a rainbow of symptoms and looks at things like bacterial or fungal infections or nervous system or hormonal issues. Someone curious and kind.

I feel like a worthless person sitting and doing nothing these days. I didn’t have insurance for two months and now bills are stacked up. Insurance starts 01.23 so I’ll go crazy on tests then.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.


One more thought about Lyme disease. M y son picked up Lyme disease after visiting his father who is a retired OB-Gyn-Cancer surgeon, who also got infected. Whch was fortunate, because his father was diagnosed with a secondary infection that frequently accompanies Lyme. When mt son failed to thrive after the first antibiotic treatment, his father kept urging him to get checked for tge second infection. It took him 2 months but he switched docs, and it was idenified. He was visiting me at the time to hlp me through post open heart surgery recouperation. He had an antibioic prescription with several weeks of treatment. The treatment ended whle he was still visiting, and he had a prescription for a blood draw to see if there was still active infection. I had been feeding him really nourishing foods, which I hoped would help his body resolve the secund infection and the blood test showed that the infection was gone. He had mentioned that before the acual diagnosis of the second bloood infection, his riary doc thought he had an incurable blood disease. The right diagnosis and treatment, with the urging of my former husband, likely saved his life. I cannot remember the name of the second infection the frequently accompanies Lyme, but your situation could be the same, especially when you have relief on antibiotics. All the best.

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Would you be able to find out the second infection's name? That would help me sooo much.


Thanks! I am begging my doctor for the Lyme disease test. My worry is it has been three years since I was bit by the tick. False positives are common.

Any info on what tests pick up Lyme disease after long term infection?

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I don't know the exact tests. I do know western medicine will do an antibody test and that isn't considered a very good way to test for lyme according to functional doctors.


Maybe consider checking with a Psychiatrist. you could be suffering from Depression.....🇨🇦🙏🏼🤗☃️🎄🦌


THANK YOU FOR THIS LINK!!!! This is a major issue for women and I appreciate this link.

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You can Google Lyme coinfections, treatment for coinfections, tests for coinfections, and then wake up your docs. Please advocate for yourself.


Please don't say you are a worthless person, you most certainly aren't. You have a hist of problems with no real answers. You are going through alot. Ne too. I have several autoimmune, Neurological and GI issues. Out of the blue, on a heart scan, shows Chirrosis. I feel like this is so fatal. I still never give up hope. Please take care, and I'll pray you find a good doctor with the right answers


Please don't say you are a worthless person, you most certainly aren't. You have a hist of problems with no real answers. You are going through alot. Ne too. I have several autoimmune, Neurological and GI issues. Out of the blue, on a heart scan, shows Chirrosis. I feel like this is so fatal. I still never give up hope. Please take care, and I'll pray you find a good doctor with the right answers

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The hardest part is no one seems to understand that the whole body is being attacked. Hang in there, you are not alone

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