← Return to Holidays: Celebration or Challenge for Transplant Families

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I am in week 7 post transplant and am super careful with masking around others I do not know, and avoiding crowds at the holidays. I am not yet driving either. I order presents from Amazon. Sounds like you are a long time past transplant? It is a difficult holiday as my family gets sick at times and I can not be around them at all, like during Thanksgiving. I hope this will be different at Christmas, but I will see. I will be safe no matter what, even if I just do Facetime with them. I guess eventually when I do go out, I will stick to the afternoons when there are no crowds and mask. Thanks for the tips. I do need to ask: what do you do if you do catch a cold? Can you take over the counter meds? I will clear it with my transplant coordinator too. Be safe and healthy, BB

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Replies to "I am in week 7 post transplant and am super careful with masking around others I..."

BB, I am happy for you to be preparing to celebrate the holidays in a safe and sensible way that will work for you and your loved ones! I can imagine that you will probably shed some happy tears, because I remember, my holiday after my own transplant. My transplant was in 2009 when I had a liver and kidney transplant at Mayo Rochester. My advice, should you want it, is to use common sense and be prepared to say "no" when you feel uncertain of the safety about going to any event. It does take effort and with time and practice, will become a natural instinct.

In response to your question about a cold, I have learned to listen to my body, and when I feel a cold coming on, I begin to take preventive actions. For me that includes getting extra rest, staying hydrated, and reducing unnecessary activities/obligations. I also monitor my temperature and have seek medical advice if it goes above 101.
Over the counter medicines that are safe (per my transplant notes) include Tylenol, Sudafed, Robitussin, and Benadryl. Never go above the daily recommendations.

Here is a discussion with members sharing their experiences.
Living Life after your Transplant

Happy Holidays!