Breast Cancer and complementary or integrative therapies

Posted by nataliehope @nataliehope, Feb 27, 2020

Hi All, I am newly diagnosed Stage 1, IDC, tiny tumor, 42 year old. Does everyone elect to have surgery as step 1, does anyone try to fight the tumor on it's own? I'm E+, P+ Her2-Neg, MMI is 8. My hormones have been out of whack for a while and I neglected to take care of me, very hard menstrual cycles, very high stress, emotional trauma too, but I eat well and exercise. I'm a month from being diagnosed and I've upped my supplements and am eating really healthy, juicing, praying...etc. I need to block my estrogen, what are you guys doing for that? Also, any discussion on natural ways to get rid of a tumor? Anyone hear of Crybolation/Cryotherapy to freeze cancer cells - it's so successful in other countries especially for people with my diagnosis but very hard to find here in USA. I truly believe God gave us everything to heal our bodies and we can heal our cells and our life is in his hands, the conventional cancer path already has took me down dark tunnels that I don't feel are right for me... just looking for something more natural, would love your thoughts if you are like minded thinker and believer. God bless you all! XO

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@windyshores what is an undetectable level? No one had a baseline of my estrogen level. My oncologist when asked how they knew it was working he stated ‘we take it for granted’. When I had him order up an estrogen test it came back ‘<10’. How number do you get as undetectable or does the report say ‘undetectable’? I’m still following up on my estrogen levels but not getting very far. Is there a specific test I should be asking for. My oncologist and primary care doctors don’t seem interested. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Sorry to be unclear. The lab tests only go to less than 10 (or sometimes 15). The term "undetectable level" comes from the Femara insert.

I believe the companies that make the AI's are a good source of info. I relied on the company insert that comes with Femara, that cites studies.


Important names in alternative treatments:

Max Gerson
William Donald Kelley
Colin Campbell
John Mc. Dougall
Neal Barnard
Michael Greger
Caldwell Esselstyn
Deanna Minich
Dr. Morse


Thirty years ago chemo was common and the current aromatase inhibitors did not exist.

I tried different AI's and manufacturers because I am sensitive to fillers, and ended up with brand name Femara.

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Do you like Femara?


Do you like Femara?

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I did 5 years and felt safe on it. I did not have significant side effects. I found that walking, at first, hurt a bit but if I kept going for more than 20 minutes I felt great. My oncologist said she heard that from others.

I already had osteoporosis. On Femara, I was not medicated for bones (long story). There was a dip when I went on it, in bone density, that then levelled off (if not entirely since after menopause this happens).

Sometimes I think I felt better while on it and certainly felt safer so at first, when I went off, I actually missed it!

I react to fillers so I took brand name but toward the end of my 5 years I did find a generic I could take.

I am 8 years out and dealing with bones with Tymlos.

ps the Breast Cancer Index did not support me doing any extended hormonal treatment so I stopped at 5 years. I read that 7 is as good as 10, if it is useful to extend.


I did 5 years and felt safe on it. I did not have significant side effects. I found that walking, at first, hurt a bit but if I kept going for more than 20 minutes I felt great. My oncologist said she heard that from others.

I already had osteoporosis. On Femara, I was not medicated for bones (long story). There was a dip when I went on it, in bone density, that then levelled off (if not entirely since after menopause this happens).

Sometimes I think I felt better while on it and certainly felt safer so at first, when I went off, I actually missed it!

I react to fillers so I took brand name but toward the end of my 5 years I did find a generic I could take.

I am 8 years out and dealing with bones with Tymlos.

ps the Breast Cancer Index did not support me doing any extended hormonal treatment so I stopped at 5 years. I read that 7 is as good as 10, if it is useful to extend.

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Thank you for sharing.


Hi Dee, thanks for your response and I'm glad you had a good experience. I have not ruled out surgery but just looking at other options as I'm learning the conventional route. How many months/years are you post surgery? During your lumpectomy did they biopsy your lymph nodes, too? Did you get a biopsy done prior? Thanks!

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I’d have the surgery and skip the other stuff. Just concentrate on healthy living.
I had stage 1 with radiation and Arimidex and I’m wondering if I did the right thing. Learn as much as possible. Good luck.


It’s $500.00?

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Of course it’s $500-they don’t want anyone to read it!


I’d have the surgery and skip the other stuff. Just concentrate on healthy living.
I had stage 1 with radiation and Arimidex and I’m wondering if I did the right thing. Learn as much as possible. Good luck.

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Thank you for sharing. Still waiting for Oncotype DX test. I have to decide after that what my treatment would be.


Important names in alternative treatments:

Max Gerson
William Donald Kelley
Colin Campbell
John Mc. Dougall
Neal Barnard
Michael Greger
Caldwell Esselstyn
Deanna Minich
Dr. Morse

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Are those names for alternative treatment is related to breast cancer health?.
I believe the alternative approach is good as a compliment to conventional treatments.
I did lumpectomy , avoided chemo and radiation. Have Mistletoe (supplement) injection done hopping that it’s support immunity .
Of course exercise, vitamins and minerals good practice , but it isn’t kill cancerous cells .
In younger age people cancer have tendency to spread fast .


Can you explain your reasoning in possibly avoiding estrogen suppressing meds? So many come on here discussing alternatives, but any natural method that suppresses hormones would have the same side effects, if effective, I would think. How responsive are your tumors to estrogen? What grade are they? If you don't mind revealing....Yes Oncotype will be helpful!

I am 8 years out. I did 5 years of the aromatase inhibitor letrozole, and then had a Breast Cancer Index test that showed no further benefit of extended therapy.

I respect all approaches but have a friend who did dietary approaches to cancer and died, so I am not, personally, relying on that. What else do you have in mind?

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Hello Windy
Agree with you on insufficient alternative treatment approach only.
Perhaps, it is good as a support to overall health in general, but not as to cancer cure in particular.
You have mentioned “checking Brest cancer index “ Is it a blood test or something else?”
I am on tamoxifen 10 mg after breast lumpectomy, done last year
Thank you 😊

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