← Return to Breast biopsy became a lumpectomy: Diagnosis Fibroadenosis

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@tersia, welcome. You must have been surprised that the biopsy ended up being a lumpectomy. But that is good news that it was removed with clear margins of healthy tissue around the lump. Fibroadenosis of breast is a non-cancerous abnormal lump in the breast.

Here's more information from Mayo Clinic:
- Fibroadenoma https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/fibroadenoma/symptoms-causes/syc-20352752

Members like @trixie1313 @danielle0313 @cindylb @smaac001 also have experience with fibroadenomas and can share their experiences.

Tersia, is it being recommended that you have a mastecomy of both breasts? Or is this something that you wish to have after this scare?

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Replies to "@tersia, welcome. You must have been surprised that the biopsy ended up being a lumpectomy. But..."

After this scare i opt in for masectomy....

as it still places me in high risk for cancer developement due to family history with cancer