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Banding Esophageal Varices

Transplants | Last Active: Feb 8, 2023 | Replies (36)

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Good Morning, @annettebc. I want to Welcome you to Mayo Connect, and to say that I am happy that you have joined this discussion. A topic like Esophageal Varices is not the top of my list of favorites! I am a liver and kidney transplant recipient. I remember having the banding procedure for my esophageal varices before my transplant. and I have to agree that it does feel weird afterward. I remember asking for some Tylenol for some discomfort and and a sort of tightness/pulling inside of me. I also remember feeling completely exhausted after the procedure and flopping across the bed to rest and not be disturbed; I just wanted to fall asleep where I landed. I think that I kicked my husband out of my hospital room early that afternoon. I hope you were a kinder patient than I was!

During my liver disease/cirrhosis time, I had my share of esophageal scopes, and my varices were closely watched. But one day I began to have that warning 'black sign" and was admitted to hospital on a Saturday for observation and possible emergency surgery. Luckily, my bleeding stopped and the handing was delayed until Monday. My varices were observd to have been oozing, and I had (I think) 7 banded. I never had another episode.

My experience tells me that your doctor wants another scope to check the current state of the varices.
How long have you been diagnosed with cirrhosis?
How do you feel today?

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Replies to "Good Morning, @annettebc. I want to Welcome you to Mayo Connect, and to say that I..."

Hi Rosemary,
Friends of mine are expecting their first child - later in life and they plan on naming her Rosemary!
I don’t as told last November that I had cirrhosis- yes. The banding feels tight.
My friend who has been my gastroenterologist sent me to the young doctor who did the EGD yesterday. They are both referring me to a Dr at University of Illinois.Who can make suggestions about next step for me.