
Posted by notasunburn @notasunburn, Apr 23, 2022

Seven months ago, suddenly and violently, my skin began to hurt as though it were badly sunburned. I don’t go out in the sun (melanoma 22 yrs ago).
Dermatologist informed me it was not a skin issue. Primary care Dr. Sent me to a Neuro Doc.
Five months of pain, then Dr. Neuro tells me I have small fiber neuropathy, likely permanent, though some cases have lasted only a couple of years. He gave me pregabalin, which has relieved 75-90% of the pain, but leaves me feeling drowsy and I fatigue easily.
Another doctor (friend of mine) heard that Naltrexone and Lion’s Mane have been helpful to others with similar pain.
Last week, desiring to be clear headed again, skipped a pregabalin dose and the pain came roaring back. So bad.
I would love your recommendations for treatment, tolerance, and how to find acceptance that this is my new normal.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


The burning and pain are confined to just my feet. But I have degrees of numbness, all the way up to my face.

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Welcome @marianmabryharris, Sorry to hear you have the burning and pain in your feet. I know that must make every day pretty miserable. There is another discussion you might find helpful:

-- Burning feet and legs:

Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy?


Warning, Lion's Mane has been found to be an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS product which is devastating every day more lives, this is a very serious topic that should be NOT ignored, I'm the moderator of the "LionsManeRecovery" Reddit community and everyday there's new people asking for help desperately

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