Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (MALS)

Posted by Kari Ulrich, Alumna Mentor @kariulrich, Dec 26, 2016

I am looking for other patients that have been diagnosed with Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome. Although it is caused by compression of the celiac artery many people experience abdominal pain after eating, diarrhea, food avoidance. Usually the first doctors they see are GI doctors. It is a diagnosis that is made after everything else is ruled out. I am curious if anyone else has had surgery?

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@annief -
Before my stent procedure I was told that many of my symptoms may disappear. It has been a slow process, very confusing, and I did not have severe pain until a while before the stent.
I had reflux, gastritis, nausea, bloating, feeling full after a few bites and the fatigue. All of these due to stenosis of the celiac artery.
My gastroenterologist wanted to perform an endoscopy anyway to make sure nothing suspicious was lurking. All was well.
So- it’s very good that you will have follow ups!


@annief -
Congratulations on your colonoscopy! I had my latest- and last one I hope, 2021.
It’s a very good order you got to follow up with your doctor in a month- especially since your IBS symptoms seems excessive.
I’m now 2 weeks out from my stent procedure and I am so pleased that all my debilitating symptoms are gone! I’m still fatigued, but not as bad as before. The entry was in the groin.
I would definitely do this again if I had to!

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Thanks for posting! I'm trying to make up my mind about having it done or not. I'm almost 6 months Post op from nMALS with no relief.
Not sure what to do.


Thanks for posting! I'm trying to make up my mind about having it done or not. I'm almost 6 months Post op from nMALS with no relief.
Not sure what to do.

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After my MALS surgery 2015 I was fine until 6 months later when pain returned. I had my first stent then. Fine for 7 years, now had second stent. All fine.


After my MALS surgery 2015 I was fine until 6 months later when pain returned. I had my first stent then. Fine for 7 years, now had second stent. All fine.

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Its 6 months now for after my nMALS surgery and I may need a stent. Do you have any pain after the stent surgery from where the MALS pain was? I hate to have to go under another Surgery to wake up with the same pain again. So glad you are feeling good. Praying you continue this new journey of being pain free. ❤️🙏


Its 6 months now for after my nMALS surgery and I may need a stent. Do you have any pain after the stent surgery from where the MALS pain was? I hate to have to go under another Surgery to wake up with the same pain again. So glad you are feeling good. Praying you continue this new journey of being pain free. ❤️🙏

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@bfort - The stent placement is a fairly easy procedure. I was half awake- they call it conscious sedation.
I was a little sore for a couple of days, but the other pain is gone!


Good morning. I am having bypass surgery (of my SMA) in roughly two weeks and was wondering how the post-op recovery went? Hope you are doing well.


I’m in the same situation. I had open mals surgery Jan. 2020 with the ligament cut back to the spine and nerves addressed. I’m thankful that the mals pain is gone but 8 months after, I had a new ct and upper bowel series as I feel like someone has an exercise band around my upper epigastric area and throughout the day it just gets tighter and tighter. In Feb. 2021, I had Radio Frequency Ablation on both sides (one week apart) and it gave me relief for 8 weeks. Last month, I did a trial DRG pain stimulator and it took away 75-80% of the pain, so we know my problem is nerve damage. I’m scheduled on Nov. 4, for a DRG permanent stimulator. I just can’t handle a million tests again. I am 65.

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I have been seeing GI for months, but haven't been diagnosed. My upper abdomen is squeezed really tight. I also suspect I have MALS. I'm looking into the Facebook support group.


I need some help and guidance. Have a 20 year old daughter, live in Ontario Canada. She's been dealing with MALS like symptoms for 17 months. No one so far here, has been able to diagnose her and we've had some incorrect testing, which adds to the problem. All we need is a MALS experienced doctor to do more correct testing so we can possibly get a diagnosis. Like a DOPPLER US with correct protocols, MRA with proper protecols. We know she likely needs a plexus block but scared to do away from home. Anyone know of any doctors who could help with testing?


I have been diagnosed but not surgery


I need some help and guidance. Have a 20 year old daughter, live in Ontario Canada. She's been dealing with MALS like symptoms for 17 months. No one so far here, has been able to diagnose her and we've had some incorrect testing, which adds to the problem. All we need is a MALS experienced doctor to do more correct testing so we can possibly get a diagnosis. Like a DOPPLER US with correct protocols, MRA with proper protecols. We know she likely needs a plexus block but scared to do away from home. Anyone know of any doctors who could help with testing?

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There are several known, experienced, educated and are specialists in mals. If you check on Facebook, there are several Mals groups that are very knowledgeable and helpful. They have lists of doctors and what needs to be done for a diagnosis. Etc.

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