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New and undiagnosed

Lung Health | Last Active: Dec 12, 2023 | Replies (131)

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Hi Yvonne, what I know about septic shock would fill a thimble...but the fear of "having it happen again" is familiar to me. I have had both scary heart symptoms that landed me in the hospital and a severe lung infection that has a 50-50 chance of coming back again. For a while after each event, every pitter-patter of my heart, or every coughing spell led me to "Oh, NO, not again!" The feelings eventually settled down, and here I am, still going 19 years after the heart scare & 5 years after the infection.

What helped me was some anti-anxiety exercises suggested to me by my primary. This was on paper (before widely available self-help on the Internet). Here are a couple of Mayo posts that might be helpful to you:
I find the breathing exercises and the meditation exercises work for me (follow the links - the blue highlighted words.)
Maybe these will help while you wait for the other appointments.
In the meantime, I see you are making progress - you didn't mention your pulse oximeter even once in this message - hang in there!

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Replies to "Hi Yvonne, what I know about septic shock would fill a thimble...but the fear of "having..."

Lol!! I didnt mention it because at rest I'm a pretty steady 98 and I've been seeing 99 a lot!!
And I realized myself when I get doing things, I have a tendency to hold my breath! Moving I'm a cool 93 and that's great for me! Used to be 89. Its higher if I remember to breathe. So I put the oximeter away unless I feel really funny. 😁😁