Hi, stage 4 colorectal cancer here

Posted by wifemom3 @wifemom3, Apr 23, 2022

Hi. I am new to the group. My name is Michele and I am located in Florida. I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer on January 19th 2022.
I am currently on my 7th round of chemo. Is anyone else newly diagnosed with stage 4? Looking for a little support.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.


@yannis I think that @colca could use some of your support from the perspective of a caregiver caring for a loved one with stage 3 colon cancer.

Colca, I know you are scared and worried about potential suffering that lies ahead. How are you doing today?

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Thankyou Colleen. Watching him suffer is not easy. So far it is loss of appetite frequent visits to the loo and pain in the abdomen. And the fact that he will lose the battle is wrecking me. But thanks again for your much needed support


Thankyou Yannis. I live in India. We met with several oncologists before choosing our doctor. The oncologist is encouraging and says one survives on hope. The gastroenterologist however, who did a laprascopic investigation last month painted a grim picture. He said there were 10 to 12 nodules too small to show up on the pet CT in the pelvis and lower abdomen. Mymind wants to believe he is a pessimist. He was the doctor who operated on my husband in July 21 and after 9 and a half hrs in the OT working on my husband,popped out and said I give him 2 yrs. Immunotherapy apart from the formidable costs will not work on him due to some mutations. He has to work his way through four more cycles of folfiri/Bevacizumab and then we will know where we stand. My main anxiety is the suffering that lies ahead and how to cope as the disease progresses and the suffering that comes with it.What I have understood is he is beyond cure. Thankyou so much for your caring response and prayers. What I need is strength to cope with his suffering

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Dear Colca, thank you for your response. What I observe from your email strikes me in several ways. The gastroenterologist who gave you a time frame for your husband living, was not right as no one can play God. My husbands response was I don’t know where that place is, no one has given me a map with directions so I will continue here on my journey.
Hope is eternal and we always have hope for miracles that can occur, and we never think of the end of life.
We made some trips in us and came to Greece several times so we always had hope eternal.
If you are from India you may have relatives in usa who can help in some way for you to seek treatment there, otherwise seek the best in India.
Ask about theY90 treatment if they offer it in India which I am sure as you have some great doctors there.
Life is a circle and it ends and there is always a new beginning and from what I see you love your husband immensely show him that love, do things with him to take his mind off of this dreaded disease, talk about the future…look forward.
Sadly with cancer as brave as we may be, it has a way of disguising itself snd changing into something else.
Immunotherapy has shown some promising therapies but not all may be candidates for this.
Inside of you you must always be prepared for what happens next and be brave. He will always be your beloved and he will always be there for you in this life and the next. …grow close to him ….
My husband used to say that he loved his cancer…to beat it…and he did with bravery and courage for three and half years. He always said to me that cancer brought us closer together snd it is so true, for now it will be ten months since I lost my beloved snd I still light the candle for him on his journey. I always talk to him, for in our culture when you mention and relive your moments together he lives on always.
Listen to his words, listen to his heart and soul and be filled with the blessing of the Holy Spirit.
Whatever faith you have believe, trust and love.
With my love snd blessings for healing


Thankyou Colleen. Watching him suffer is not easy. So far it is loss of appetite frequent visits to the loo and pain in the abdomen. And the fact that he will lose the battle is wrecking me. But thanks again for your much needed support

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These moments you have written to Colleen are symptoms that we all experience as caregivers.
Yes these are difficult moments but your beloved will choose the time of his passing to be with you who loves him….life is eternal and this dear friend is a path and road we will all journey on…
Fear not for the blessings of our creator is always with us.
Blessings for healing


I am. Mets to my liver found 2weeks ago. Hoping to restart treatment in a trial that offers immunotherapy


I was also recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. Had 8 chemo so far and it has been difficult. Hang in there. Sending you all the best caring and support


My husband has stage 4 colon cancer. We have tried 5fu folfiri bevazicumab and now he is on lonsurf. 12 cycles of 5fu 12cycles of folfiri , 6 with bevazicumab. We thought he was having severe side effects but it turned out to be a blockage. They have inserted a Stent about a month ago where the tumour showed up again along the originally operated site. Sine then he is in a lot of pain and becoming weaker and weaker.He is on his first cycle of lonsurf.but not tolerating it too well. The recurrence is only at the previously operated site and seeding along the cut. No other organ has been affected so far
But watching his suffering is killing


My husband has stage 4 colon cancer. We have tried 5fu folfiri bevazicumab and now he is on lonsurf. 12 cycles of 5fu 12cycles of folfiri , 6 with bevazicumab. We thought he was having severe side effects but it turned out to be a blockage. They have inserted a Stent about a month ago where the tumour showed up again along the originally operated site. Sine then he is in a lot of pain and becoming weaker and weaker.He is on his first cycle of lonsurf.but not tolerating it too well. The recurrence is only at the previously operated site and seeding along the cut. No other organ has been affected so far
But watching his suffering is killing

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I am so sorry for your pain and I understand.


I am so sorry for your pain and I understand.

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My husband is also newly diagnosed with stage 4colon cancer... We stay in South Africa.
Kindly share your experience with us about the side effects you experienced during your chemo and what you were eating during that time.


My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal with liver metastases 14 months ago. Ups and downs but doing well with gradual reduction in chemo as we’re keeping quality of life as the goal. Neuropathy is the worst but he plays golf and pickleball weekly. Scan in a month will tell more but we try to not look back nor too far forward and find Joy each day. So sorry for all of you going down this path. Be very patient and don’t sweat the small stuff!

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