← Return to Burning Mouth Syndrome: Anyone had success with compounded mouth rinse

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Thank you so much for the reply and all the helpful information. I haven’t tried much except chewing gum and at the beginning they thought it was Thrush so the doctors prescribed Nystatin which didn’t do anything but burn more because I didn’t have Thrush. Yes, it’s been a very difficult process losing Chris. I’ve had every test there really is to be done and the doctors believe this is all caused by trauma and anxiety. I start EMDR therapy on Tuesday and I’m hoping that helps me. I have had a hard time accepting this is from trauma but I know things like this can be triggered from traumatic life events. BMS seems to be a very complicated Syndrome as there are so many different causes for a burning mouth. Thank you so much again for all the helpful information! Let’s keep in touch!

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Replies to "Thank you so much for the reply and all the helpful information. I haven’t tried much..."

My heart goes out to you because stress/anxiety can cause all kinds of issues within our bodies, including auto-immune responses. It’s like a double whammy…as if the original trauma wasn’t enough. Losing a spouse is one of the most emotionally devastating events in a person’s life so it’s not a far reach to consider some of these physical ailments could be stemming from your loss.

It’s reassuring to hear you’re getting some therapy started because sometimes we can use a little help and guidance. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) was really beneficial for my adult daughter when she was facing an emotional period in her life. It helped her immensely. So I hope you find some relief with this technique too.

If I may toss this out for you, chewing gum will most likely make the burning mouth worse. The sugar and flavoring can irritate the oral tissue, just as the toothpaste and other products I’d mentioned. I know it might feel good initially but the coating on the gum can leave residue on the tongue and tissues, keeping the mouth feeling as though it’s been scalded by hot coffee or tea. At least that’s what it did to me. Basic salt water rinses helped a little to sooth the tissue. I used to put a small glob of honey on my tongue to let that melt over it. That felt good for a little while.
But try the Orajel rinse. You can find that in a drug store. It’s not minty and can help calm things down. Talk to your doctor about the Dexamethasone mouth-rinse for use as ONLY an oral rinse and spit. Not to ingest (at least at this time). It is also an oral form of steroids but for the burning mouth it only needs to be swished for 30 seconds and the spit out. Twice daily.

Here’s a fairly comprehensive website with some ideas for BMS and remedies for soothing. A recent traumatic life event is listed as a triggering mechanism for Burning Mouth Syndrome.

Since you’ve joined Connect, that means you’ve picked up a huge support network of new “Family” members. We have so many groups with members just like you who share their experiences and band together in support. There’s one group in particular I think would be good for you.
It’s our Loss~Grief group. You don’t have to go through this process alone. 🙂

Therapy can take time, so let me know how your session with EMDR feels for you. I’ll be here anytime, ok?