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My name is Elaine. I had COVID-19 back in February of 2022. Around the end of March, I began to have symptoms of perfuse sweating like getting out of a pool sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations. My heart would begin beating so hard it felt like butterflies getting ready to jump out of my chest. My heart ranged from 90 to 170 depending on my activity. I would get tunnel vision and ears ringing and felt like I was going to pass out. I had these symptoms 3 to 5 times a week and no certain time. I had no warning. I chalked it up to my stressful job. I finally told my mom a cardiac nurse for 33 years and she immediately took me to an urgent care. The doctor did an ECG and it was normal. The doctor felt it was anxiety and started Hydralazine. My mom encouraged me to find another job because the stress was affecting my health. I did find a new job that was a blessing and no stress. My mom grilled me with questions such as are you worried about finances, school for my masters, boyfriend, and I was not worried about anything. I did not feel stressed anymore. I am a personal trainer, and I could not tolerate any exercising. When I tried, my heart would start pounding and I was short of breath. The first of June I had an appointment with my PCP. When I told her my symptoms. She ordered a cardiology referral and 48 hour heart monitor and tons of lab work. I saw the cardiologist and he ordered a stress test (I failed), 30 day monitor, echocardiogram, and a CT angiogram. All the test results back normal. Both the PCP and the cardiologist told me if I had another episode to the emergency room. The ED doctor did nothing. Next morning, I called my cardiologist, and he started metoprolol 25 mg a day. I did not tolerate the mediation. My heart rate went from low 100’s to the forty’s. I had a follow-up with my PCP, and she told me to try taking half in the morning and half in the evening. It took weeks, but I was finally able to tolerate the mediation. The medication helped my heart rate and chest pain, but the other symptoms remained. The cardiologist gave a diagnosis of IST because he said my symptoms were not reliably consistent with post COVID POTS. I recently had a follow-up visit with my PCP. She felt I needed a second opinion. She referred me to University of Virginia cardiologist. The cardiologist said there was nothing he could do and to search for a long haul COVID specialist. I am at my wits end. I am 23 years old, and this is debilitating. I need help! I cannot live like this. When I have an episode, I am wiped out and it takes me a day to recover. These episodes last to an hour to two or a4 hours. The metoprolol is not working any more. My heart rate per my apple watch is anywhere from low nineties to 120’s with no activity. My PCP ordered hormone tests and they were negative. This is obviously and sympathetic or parasympathetic issue. My mom and I have no clue what to do or turn to. Any help is appreciated. I feel like I keep getting passed around by these specialists.

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Replies to "Hello, My name is Elaine. I had COVID-19 back in February of 2022. Around the end..."

Wow you have been through ALOT! Thankfully all your tests are normal. I suspect you were in great shape prior to the Covid infection and your body was strong so therefore it sounds like you have no damage done to your heart etc. I found the article from Mayo clinic titled” how to talk to your doctor about your long Covid symptoms “ very helpful. I hope you get connected with a long haul Covid clinic to help get yourself feeling better finally.

Have you seen a neurologist and had the QSART test for autonomic neuropathy due to Covid? I agree with the cardiologist's recommendation to see the best long COVID physician you can find. Given the demand, you may need to strongly make your case to get a timely appointment. You have a compelling story and deserve to be seen by an expert.

Hi Elaine,
Here is the article that @oli referenced in their reply to you:
- How to effectively talk to your local provider about long COVID https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/post-covid-recovery/newsfeed-post/how-to-effectively-talk-to-your-local-provider-about-long-covid/

To find a longhaul COVID specialist near you, you may refer to Survivor Corps database of clinics:
- Post COVID Care Centers [PCCC] https://www.survivorcorps.com/pccc

You may also find the tips offered by other members in these discussions to be helpful:
- Post-COVID Syndrome - What helps reduce palpitations? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/post-covid-syndrome-palpitations/
- Post Covid Symptoms and what has helped me. https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/symptoms-7/
- Anyone else hitting cardio levels (on Fitbit) when doing simple tasks? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/cardio-when-doing-simple-things/
- Anyone experiencing post covid heart issues? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/post-covid-heart-issues/
- How common is POTS after long COVID exposure? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/how-common-is-pots-after-long-covid-exposure/