Has anyone had the PSMA-PET scan? Was cancer found?

Posted by hector13 @hector13, May 12, 2022

My prostate was removed 5 years ago. Two months ago, my PSA went from 0.00 to 0.09, and this month the PSA increased to 0.2. My urologist believes I am a candidate for the new PSMA-PET scan approved in 2020 that is more sensitive than previous scans in detecting small tumors. Has anyone had this scan? If so, what was your PSA at the time and was the cancer found?

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I had a radical prostatectomy in 2016.

For four years my PSA was in the .01-.03 range. Then in 2020 it started to rise.

2/04/2020 was .06
4/28/2020 .05
10/23/2020 .07
11/30/2021 .29
2/08/2022 .43
7/29/2022 .72
10/14/2022 1.40

In February I had a PET/PSMA scan at the University of Washington. My PSA at that time was .43

No cancer was detected.

Now I'm at 1.40 and I'm scheduled to go back for another PET/PSMA scan.

The scans are done at the University of Washington Medical center. I will post the results when known.

Prayers for all.

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Best of luck with your scan.


If it a bone scan as in my case it found it in L2 lumbar

PSA on Zolodex 1.2 but 2 years later 4.22 so another scan


I had scan cancer found. I have stage 4 just waiting I want no further treatment


I had scan cancer found. I have stage 4 just waiting I want no further treatment

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I also have stage 4 prostate cancer. Could you please explain the treatments you had to date and why you have chosen to have no further treatments.


I also have stage 4 prostate cancer. Could you please explain the treatments you had to date and why you have chosen to have no further treatments.

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I had 44 radiation treatments hormone injections, Hormone pills knocked the heck out of me. Special ct scan as a result of scan 4 radiation treatments for pain relief. I have a Cochlear implant so I cannot have MRI’s. Have been fighting this cancer for 13 years I am 81 just want pain relief getting some not perfect but it helps . Hope you can read this as I have vision problems as well Thank you for your interest. Al


I had 44 radiation treatments hormone injections, Hormone pills knocked the heck out of me. Special ct scan as a result of scan 4 radiation treatments for pain relief. I have a Cochlear implant so I cannot have MRI’s. Have been fighting this cancer for 13 years I am 81 just want pain relief getting some not perfect but it helps . Hope you can read this as I have vision problems as well Thank you for your interest. Al

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pray Ask St Rita to intercede to Jesus for you She is saint of impossible

get back on zolodex or apalutimide with daralutime for both sensitive and resistive pc metastatic stage 4

Im 78 keep going


I had PSMA PET scanning done using 18F which was FDA approved in May 2021. We were looking at two concerning areas - extra capsulary extension (ECE) and an indeterminate spot on the left lymph node. If either ROI were positive my diagnosis would change from Unfavorable Intermediate to High Risk and would recommend a more aggressive protocol.

According to Dr. Eugene Kwon (MAYO), PET scans work better for some people than others. He says "PET imaging can see cancer about 7 years before standard imaging. PET imaging can find first spots of cancer around PSA of 0 to 2.0 ng/ml. Any PET imaging is better than no PET imaging. " He also says, "Experience with interpreting PET scans is probably much more important than the type of PET scan used." (He is comparing 68 Gallium to Choline and 18 F.)

My scans confirmed that the tumors identified by the 3d MRI and subsequent MRI guided fusion biopsy were confirmed, but that the regions of interest were negative. Based on this information I remain classified as unfavorable intermediate risk and the time period on ADT was not extended.

I hope this is helpful


Yes and negative. PSA increased 3x started Eligard PSA at PSA 0.331, 30 day test PSA 0.05 testosterone 50 (hot flashes/mild fatigue) starting radiation 11/23 (39)
Gleason 9 RP results negative all parameters


I had RP in March 2022. First PSA in June was undetectable. Second PSA in Sept was 0.5. My urologist and oncologist recommended PSMA-PET, which was done in Oct. No cancer found. ADT started in late Oct and radiation will commence in early January.


PSMA PET recently done. 3 lymph nodes lite up like a Christmas tree in my chest. Prostatectomy 8 yrs ago. Biopsies done last week neg but Pulmonary surgeon doing a more invasive Bronchoscopy next week
Prostate bed clean. Probably headed for radiation

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