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7 years after total knee replacement

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Sep 9, 2023 | Replies (28)

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I have a similar situation in that I am 15 months out from tkr and still dealing with constant pain, 3-8 depending on what I am doing. Joint is always tight and is swollen on outside of joint and most often wam/hot to touch. X-ray and bone scan show all ok but wondering if an MRI would show anything. Did all pt as directed,still doing rom and other stretching regularly as well as swimming as well as some short distance cycling but both are pretty uncomfortable. Had some MFR but going to try again and hope it’s not too late. Can’t see another orthopedist until March. Don’t sleep well as Turning in bed is awkward as I feel the 1#+ weight of the prosthesis. Too much pressure on one side keeps me turning all night. Just got treated for breast cancer and now on an estrogen blocker for 5-10. The cancer is less a problem than the knee! Can’t think about another surgery as no guarantee that I will feel better.

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Replies to "I have a similar situation in that I am 15 months out from tkr and still..."

You are very strong person …. Just reading what you are going through and what you are doing is amazing…..my first knee replacement did not go as planned I know the pain and frustration……I have to ask did you see another dr for second opinion? My original surgeon told me nothing was wrong meanwhile I could not get past 65 range of motion and pain all the time ….. was not until like 7/8 months after original surgery I got second opinion here the knee he put in 3 sizes too big ….the new surgeon scheduled me for surgery almost year out of first tkr….the second tkr experience has been amazing…. So I suggest if you have not gotten second opinion from a dr that handles troubleshooting tkr problems first thing I would do . Then take everything one step at a time . For me just having a dr tell me was not what I was doing or lack there of that was bad tkr gave me strength to do second tkr . I hope you find some relief and answers.