Time From Needle Biopsy to MRI With Invasive Lobular?

Posted by jodyinpetaluma @jodyinpetaluma, Sep 6, 2022

How long can I expect to wait for an MRI after a needle biopsy has confirmed I have Invasive Lobular Carcinoma?
It has been two weeks, and there is a BB size bump.

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I had ILC in 2004. My surgeon did a lumpectomy. It was stage 1, no node involvement and thought she had clean margins. Two weeks later, a MRI revealed not clean more cancer. I asked for a bilateral mastectomy. Surgeon said no need, but agreed to the lateral. I was concerned but went along. Had 12 weeks of chemo and recovered. I went through 8 years of fear every time I went for checkups on the remaining breast. My fear materialized in 2012 when a cancer returned in the right breast. It was very small and found on an MRI, which I insisted on getting annually. Previously, I had trans flap reconstruction. Doctor recommended lumpectomy for the new cancer and I said no, I want it gone. I am tired of the fear. We did the mastectomy and I had a different reconstruction. I was annoyed because I could have saved myself many years of grief if I had received the bilateral in 2004. I been cancer free for 10 years from second episode. I am so happy that I pushed for the mastectomies and reconstruction. However this is a very personal decision for each person. Do your research, talk to people, decide based on your own mental and physical needs. Cancer is scary and a harsh journey to endure. My mother died from it, so I wanted to live. Listening to my doctors to get lumpectomies and radiation, I am not sure that my quality of life would be as great as it is now. I am very happy with my
decisions and advocacy to be aggressive with cancer treatments. The girls were not well so they had to go for my peace of mind. Decide what will bring you the most peace.

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I am totally with you! I don't understand why a mastectomy would not have been recommended for you back in 2004 but I was told today (first appt with surgeon) that she would recommend mastectomy only if genetic testing pointed in that direction. Clean margins are not easy with lobular and if clean margins were not found in the pathology then she would go back in ???
I appreciate your candor and will circle back after my second opinion on Thursday. I know they keep saying the risk is not "much" greater by having only lumpectomy but if clean margins are not found then I would hope they would agree to a mastectomy. Radiation seems a given with lobular even if mastectomy??? Thanks again for weighing in xoxoxo


I am totally with you! I don't understand why a mastectomy would not have been recommended for you back in 2004 but I was told today (first appt with surgeon) that she would recommend mastectomy only if genetic testing pointed in that direction. Clean margins are not easy with lobular and if clean margins were not found in the pathology then she would go back in ???
I appreciate your candor and will circle back after my second opinion on Thursday. I know they keep saying the risk is not "much" greater by having only lumpectomy but if clean margins are not found then I would hope they would agree to a mastectomy. Radiation seems a given with lobular even if mastectomy??? Thanks again for weighing in xoxoxo

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Okay! Good luck with it all. Let us know how you are doing.


I had a new diagnosis of ILC on 12/27/23 from needle core biopsy, EP+/HER2-, stage 1a, 1.7 cm tumor, no apparent imaging evidence of node involvement. MRI done 1/9, showed a few irregular nodes, followed up with axillary U/S on 1/11, apparently thought to be "reactive" from biopsy.

Other MRI results for R. breast did not reveal other areas of suspicion, L. breast with multiple oval masses that are documented as "probably benign", when asking surgeon whether to include the possibility of trouble in that breast into my surgical considerations, I was told they "are" benign, don't worry. MRI picks up all sorts of stuff." Somehow, that didn't console me, but I am trying to put faith into the person planning to cut into my breast and does this for a living.

I am awaiting genetic panel results-opted for just the basic breast genes-due to result this week, hopefully. Not sure if anything will sway my plan.

I am an active person, and feel like I need to try the least invasive option first. With that, though, comes a giant dose of anxiety and fear that removal of the tumor , itself, will free some captive cells to vacation in my bloodstream and visit remote destinations.

My gut is telling me to proceed with lumpectomy as plan "A", then have a plan "B" to proceed to bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction if there is any node involvement, need for re-excision of margins, or any indication on follow-up imaging of trouble in either breast.

I am really stuck on the radiation piece of things and will be asking the plastic surgeon (consult on 1/22) how having radiation from lumpectomy would or wouldn't impact potential reconstruction options should there be a need or decision later on to proceed with mastectomy, find out what sort of flap options are available for me and have somewhat of a plan "B" sorted out before committing to lumpectomy. I don't want implants due to more frequent need for radiation (from what I am able to discern in literature...correct me if wrong.

I welcome any pearls of wisdom you can share.

The planning and being at peace with it are more difficult than I envisioned.

Thanks in advance!


I had a new diagnosis of ILC on 12/27/23 from needle core biopsy, EP+/HER2-, stage 1a, 1.7 cm tumor, no apparent imaging evidence of node involvement. MRI done 1/9, showed a few irregular nodes, followed up with axillary U/S on 1/11, apparently thought to be "reactive" from biopsy.

Other MRI results for R. breast did not reveal other areas of suspicion, L. breast with multiple oval masses that are documented as "probably benign", when asking surgeon whether to include the possibility of trouble in that breast into my surgical considerations, I was told they "are" benign, don't worry. MRI picks up all sorts of stuff." Somehow, that didn't console me, but I am trying to put faith into the person planning to cut into my breast and does this for a living.

I am awaiting genetic panel results-opted for just the basic breast genes-due to result this week, hopefully. Not sure if anything will sway my plan.

I am an active person, and feel like I need to try the least invasive option first. With that, though, comes a giant dose of anxiety and fear that removal of the tumor , itself, will free some captive cells to vacation in my bloodstream and visit remote destinations.

My gut is telling me to proceed with lumpectomy as plan "A", then have a plan "B" to proceed to bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction if there is any node involvement, need for re-excision of margins, or any indication on follow-up imaging of trouble in either breast.

I am really stuck on the radiation piece of things and will be asking the plastic surgeon (consult on 1/22) how having radiation from lumpectomy would or wouldn't impact potential reconstruction options should there be a need or decision later on to proceed with mastectomy, find out what sort of flap options are available for me and have somewhat of a plan "B" sorted out before committing to lumpectomy. I don't want implants due to more frequent need for radiation (from what I am able to discern in literature...correct me if wrong.

I welcome any pearls of wisdom you can share.

The planning and being at peace with it are more difficult than I envisioned.

Thanks in advance!

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Sorry this post is out of place. After I realized i was still in this thread, I wanted to moe the post, but can't sort out how to do it. 🙁

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