← Return to Sarcoidosis: What treatments have you had with few side effects?

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"Neurosarcoidosis is a complication of sarcoidosis, in which inflammation occurs in the brain, spinal cord, and other areas of the nervous system." (From Medline Plus https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000720.htm) I'm sure @ddade19 can tell you more and what it is like to live with neurosarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis, on the other hand, is the growth of tiny collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) in different parts of your body — most commonly the lungs, lymph nodes, eyes and skin. (From Mayo Clinic http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sarcoidosis/home/ovc-20177969) @rickys @sebley12 and @briansr can tell you more in this department.

Chesneydell - what are your most significant symptoms at the moment, and how are you managing since getting this diagnosis? What are your top questions or concerns at this stage?

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Replies to ""Neurosarcoidosis is a complication of sarcoidosis, in which inflammation occurs in the brain, spinal cord, and..."

The biggest thing right now is chest pain, heart checked out fine. I have alot of swollen lyphnods in the stomic area, sept 29 i get a endoscopy and a colonostapy til then nothing they can do they say.. second is loss of balance i now use a walker i have cuts scrapes bruises from falling... the 3rd big thing is the nuropathy pain in my feet legs and hands, the next would be sever head aches confussion fatigue.. is this what you ment? My doctors have been zero help

Thanks for sharing these symptoms. You may also be interested in these discussions:
- Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy? http://mayocl.in/2aWCYXq
- Falling for no apparent reason http://mayocl.in/2bTkbMm

They are not specific to sarcoidosis, but you'll meet members managing similar symptoms.

Any ideas right now is gold

I asked you about thid weeks ago. Thank you so much he fit what you send i got him in to the nuero doc. He us in the hospital tiday being treated . Witj out this site. And my belly aching no one would have checked him

You are so right Chesney. What you refer to as "belly aching" can also be called advocating for yourself or your husband. You and he are the most invested in his health. I'm glad that the support you get from Connect members helped give you the strength to advocate for the care you are now getting.