Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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If you have fm you should not eat sugars of any kind , dairy or wheat.


Tymlos is a hormone treatment that is very effective in preventing spinal fractures by speeding up the building of bone. Caused cancer in lab rats (high doses). I've had success building bone by getting my Vit D up to snuff, following recommendations at, eating prunes, taking Ca and some strontium. I quit Omparazole then Nexium after I learned about effects of PPIs on the kidney. I find that gargling with 8.8 pH alkaline water helps my throat, which is prone to irritation from GERD resulting from my hiatal hernia. The alkalinity neutralizes pepsin, the enzyme that digests protein and can also digest throat tissue. (I learned of this via a journal article from PubMed.) I also try to finish eating at least 4 hours before bedtime, use Gaviscon Advance aniseed suspension as a stomach block and antacid. My go-to antacid is Life Extension's Esophacool.

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I’m curious about the alkaline water and Life Extension's Esophacool. I never had issues before, until I finished chemo last year. Now it seems I have GERD symptoms. My GI dr told me to take Pepcid as needed, but I’m finding I need it almost daily now. I don’t eat fried foods.


@nightngale1998 I been on Omprazole for 2 1/2 yrs. I go on and off myself . Mostly cause I forget to take it. My usual dose is 40mg in the AM and 40mg in the PM. I can go for about 30 days without taking it. Then BAM. The stabbing chest pains, sore throat and stomach starts to hurt. So I have to go back to regularly taking the pills. It usually takes about 2 weeks to get back to feeling normal no chest pains and such.

I tried the vinegar once.. OMG.. I might as well drank boric acid, it felt about the same. It was like flames were shooting down my throat. I think that works for people with occasional acid reflux?

You have to completely live on a bland diet. Which is impossible for me at least. I think in order to live without the medicine. But i don't even know, if that works when you have a hernia?

My blood work is fine perfect actually after this long. I think it can possibly cause issues with our kidney's?? But I don't know anyone who has been affected that way?

Now I have a couple of family members who have been taking this medicine for 20+ years and they are fine today in their 70"s.

If I am not mistaken Gerd is the precursor to Barrett's Syndrome? Barrett's Syndrome is the precursor to Throat Cancer? My Uncle has barrett's Syndrome and the Dr's watch him like a hawk.

I would talk to your DR again or go for another opinion to see what another Dr recommends for you. You may hear a different story.

I wish you the Best..

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Thanks to my gerd. I have severe swallowing issue, barrettes esophagus, damaged vocal cords, chronic cough, delayed gastric emptying… getting my insurance to cover gastric bypass has been hell.. and stage 4 on barrettes


I have Barrett’s esophagus and Apple cider vinegar is no good for me. I am on Dexilant now. It works well for me. Stay well

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Have they suggested surgery


Thanks to my gerd. I have severe swallowing issue, barrettes esophagus, damaged vocal cords, chronic cough, delayed gastric emptying… getting my insurance to cover gastric bypass has been hell.. and stage 4 on barrettes

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Meds no longer work. I do baking soda and water on days I can’t take anymore. My acid is up to my sinusez


I have horrible and painful GERD daily. Started in December after I had a cholecystectomy. On PPI now but still painful, now affecting voice with sore throat. Anyone experienced this? I do not want to take the PPI’s.
I am not overweight, do not drink and do not eat fried food, head of bed elevated too, still pain and it is unrelenting.
Anyone tried herbs? Acupuncture?


I hesitate to write this because i am absolutely not an expert and am an experiment of one. With that said I will tell you my experience.

i was on Prilosec (prescription) for years and then there were a series of events and I stopped taking it. Surprise. NO problem. Then I had an endoscopy (for other reasons) and asked the doctor if he thought I should be taking Prilosec and he said he saw no reason. So I have not gone back to it.

What I did do was adjust my diet and stop eating citrus, tomatoes, and other items - i actually forget now because it is all in the past. I DO eat yogurt, cottage cheese, other cheese (not cheddar) peanut butter, meat, cooked (and non cruciferous) vegetables, yams, berries, bananas, other stuff. . I have a whole list somewhere if you want it, just PM me. I created the list by trial and error - if something gave me GERD, out it went.

One take away I came to was the gastroenterologists do like to prescribe Prilosec. If you have something it will probably fix it. I have other problems but Prilosec is not fixing them, still the GI doctor wanted me to take the Prilosec. . All medicines have an affect on our kidneys and livers. I have a sense Prilosec is not a bad medicine any more than any other (I went back to the original research and found it not compelling) is just that all medicines have problems.

BTW - that vinegar. Yikes. NEVER or as Jackie above called it - "acid"

Best to you and good luck-


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I am sorry you are having his problem, sounds much like what I am going through but mine won’t go away and I started on Omenrazole a PPI which hasn’t completely relieved it.
Now having voice evolvement with sore throat.
Have you tried the cider vinegar?


I have horrible and painful GERD daily. Started in December after I had a cholecystectomy. On PPI now but still painful, now affecting voice with sore throat. Anyone experienced this? I do not want to take the PPI’s.
I am not overweight, do not drink and do not eat fried food, head of bed elevated too, still pain and it is unrelenting.
Anyone tried herbs? Acupuncture?

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I tried acupuncture and it did nothing for me. I think that if you have terrible GERD then it's not enough to try herbs or cider vinegar and the like. Apparently, bile reflux is common after cholecystectomy. See details and treatment possibilities here:
Maybe you also have a hiatal hernia that is keeping the LES open. (I don't know if you've written more details ab out your situation previously, so apologize that I didn't see it.)
You should go to a gastroenterologist and see what they suggest. Maybe they'll do an endoscopy to see the situation. (With the sedation they give, it's a relatively easy procedure.)


I have horrible and painful GERD daily. Started in December after I had a cholecystectomy. On PPI now but still painful, now affecting voice with sore throat. Anyone experienced this? I do not want to take the PPI’s.
I am not overweight, do not drink and do not eat fried food, head of bed elevated too, still pain and it is unrelenting.
Anyone tried herbs? Acupuncture?

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Another thing, if it's bile reflux, which is common after cholecystectomy, then the treatment is different than for acid reflux. See a gastroenterologist and see:
PPI may not be the right treatment, but if you do need it don't be wary of taking it


I have horrible and painful GERD daily. Started in December after I had a cholecystectomy. On PPI now but still painful, now affecting voice with sore throat. Anyone experienced this? I do not want to take the PPI’s.
I am not overweight, do not drink and do not eat fried food, head of bed elevated too, still pain and it is unrelenting.
Anyone tried herbs? Acupuncture?

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Sorry about your pain.
Call the surgeon's office and (try to) insist on a follow-up appointment. Maybe put it in writing on his patient portal messages. Definitely see a doctor. I suggest starting with your primary care doctor. Sounds like you are doing everything that you should, and it clearly started post-op, so it seems like a surgical foul-up, which they will deny probably. Stick to your guns (your evidence).
My grandmom's remedy: very slowly drink a tall glass of warm water.
Best of luck to you!

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