Sudden hearing loss and an echo

Posted by Jackie, Alumna Mentor @travelgirl, Sep 28, 2019

Has anyone all of a sudden started hearing an echo in one of their ears. Only to discover if they close off one ear they cannot hear?
My right ear has a constant echo. Thought it was clogged. But when I cover my left ear. I can barely hear any sounds.
What weird I was in a seminar at sea when it started. It felt like my ear popped like when you are on a plane. I had stop and remind myself I'm on a cruise ship right now.
Just such a strange feeling only being able to hear in one ear.
Anyone else have this happen?

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I apologize ahead of time if I'm doing this wrong. This is my first post and I'm unsure of what the etiquette is for the forum.

My daughter, who's 16, experienced a "pop" in her left ear around April 17th. She's not experiencing the echoing that's been mentioned here. But she does have daily experiences of ringing (could be high pitched or low, it varies), muffled sound (like your head is underwater, and then to no hearing. There is no "back to normal" for her hearing. She saw an audiologist and ENT last week. We had an awful experience with then and got a second opinion today. They audiologist today was beyond amazing. She ran 6 different tests on her hearing. At the end she told us that she has mild to moderate hearing loss. The ENT was fantastic as well. He listened to our story, asked about whether or not she gets dizzy (she mentioned that it a couple of times) and then he checked her ear drums (which appeared normal). He did put her on a treatment of steroids for 12 days. She starts them tomorrow morning. He never formally came out and said she has Sudden Hearing Loss. But did prescribe the steroids and said that information has come out saying where it has been helpful. We're scheduled for a follow up hearing test appointing in July. No MRI was mentioned.

I'm concerned that with today being May 26th, that she's starting these too late. I've read most all of the information I can come across as well as several of the discussion posts here. You guys seem so knowledgeable and helpful. I'm hoping that someone here can help.


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I agree with @tonyinmi about the hearing aid(s). That first ENT facility was beyond toxic and it too bad you had to experience that. If, after the July appointment, it is determined that the steroids did not solve the problem, then it is important that she try hearing aids even for a mild to moderate loss. There is normally a 30 day trial period with no financial obligation.Basically you want to keep the hair cells in the inner ear stimulated and many people delay too long in deciding and their hearing loss gets worse. If it is necessary to go that route and your daughter accepts that possibility, we have a virtual gang of people here that can guide you, answer questions, share experiences and teach you what questions to ask.

FL Mary


Translated using Google Translate:
Hello I have deafness following Bacterial meningitis a year ago, what to do?

Bonjour j'ai une surdité suite à Une méningite bactérienne il y déjà un an de celà,que faire?


Hi did the steroids help your hearing? I have similar problem just started steroids today,


Hi did the steroids help your hearing? I have similar problem just started steroids today,

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Yes, steroids were extremely helpful. I regained almost all of the hearing in my right ear, except for very high frequencies. Woke up with Sudden Hearing Loss in right ear only on January 2, 2022, and was not correctly diagnosed until around 12 or 13 days into this. So wasn't sure steroids would work. But they did!! Good luck to u in this journey!!


Yes, steroids were extremely helpful. I regained almost all of the hearing in my right ear, except for very high frequencies. Woke up with Sudden Hearing Loss in right ear only on January 2, 2022, and was not correctly diagnosed until around 12 or 13 days into this. So wasn't sure steroids would work. But they did!! Good luck to u in this journey!!

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Wow that is wonderful to hear a success story! For me I’m hearing echoing of all sounds around me I’m on day 2 of steroids did you happen to experience muffled sound and echoing of all sounds around you as well?


Went from no sound in right ear to muffled sound and then much improved sound (except for highest frequencies) over the 12 days that I took steroids. Didn't notice any echoing of sound. Still notice faint tinnitus in right ear especially when I'm tired. We run a box fan for "white noise" while sleeping at night. That works very well for me so I don't notice the tinnitus at night. I think my right ear has continued to improve long after finishing the steroids.


Go to the ENT right away. This happened to me 5 weeks ago. I've had steroid dose pack and 2 shots of steroids into my eardrum (not fun at all)... So far nothing back.


My left ear felt blocked on morning and I couldn’t hear from that ear. I had MRI and ENT doctor could see nothing structurally wrong. He thought there was possibly some nerve damage behind the ear drum.

It’s now a year later, and some hearing has returned. The blocked feeling seems to be intermittent and no longer constant.


My left ear felt blocked on morning and I couldn’t hear from that ear. I had MRI and ENT doctor could see nothing structurally wrong. He thought there was possibly some nerve damage behind the ear drum.

It’s now a year later, and some hearing has returned. The blocked feeling seems to be intermittent and no longer constant.

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What do your hearing tests indicate? Should you be using hearing aids?


I am now using hearing aids which is very helpful

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