Neuropathy: Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?

Posted by sjhedcon @sjhedcon, Mar 21, 2020

I have loss of feeling in my feet and tingling sensation. My doctor prescribed gabapentin. I read the side effects and decided not to take this med.
Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?

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I’m weaning my self off gabapentin. My main issue here is the neuropathy is causing electric shoots that are crippling. It happens if I get a cut out a broken nail into the qyuick, blisters on feet. The shocks are debilitating for about 2-3 days after a cut orinjury to hands, feet.

Any one else have these … it’s making me crazy.



I was on gabapentin for years at a high dose. I never had any side effects but I kept telling my doctors I didn't think it was doing anything either. They finally switched me to Lyrica and the relief was immense! I don't have side effects from that either

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Hello @christinelogan, Welcome to Connect. It's good to hear that your doctors finally listened to you and you are now getting some pain relief after switching to Lyrica.

Do you mind sharing a little more about your diagnosis and how long you've had neuropathy?


I’m weaning my self off gabapentin. My main issue here is the neuropathy is causing electric shoots that are crippling. It happens if I get a cut out a broken nail into the qyuick, blisters on feet. The shocks are debilitating for about 2-3 days after a cut orinjury to hands, feet.

Any one else have these … it’s making me crazy.


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Hello @arvc, Welcome to Connect. I'm sorry to hear you haven't found any relief from the electric shock symptoms. There are a few discussions where other members mention similar symptoms that you may want to read through to learn what others have shared.

-- Can Severe (electric shock-like) Pain be a sign of Regeneration?:
-- Electric shock type pain in ankle:
-- Electrical shocks throughout my body:

Have you discussed the symptoms with your doctor or neurologist to see if their are any alternative treatments that might help?


I know this is rare but after 6 years taking over 1200 mg every 8 hours, I do get nasty side effects. Actually, it’s more withdrawal symptoms. If I am late for a dose, I get severe anxiety and depression. Thankfully it takes only about an hour after catching up that I feel back to normal mentally. Anyone else have the same issues?


Gabapentin was working for me but suddenly it started effecting me in very bad ways. It never puts me to sleep but makes my mouth droop and sides are making awful faces.


Does anyone with Neuropathy also deal with Erythromelalgia? I was diagnosed with it in 2006 by Mayo and for several years it did not bother me to much. But now that I have NP the EM is so much worse.


You are fortunate, I took it for three weeks and couldn't remember anything. Where I put the laundry, couldn't do my crossword puzzles, and was angry most of the time. I QUIT IT....and just take my INSULIN and my Glucophage and a tiny blood pressure pill LISINOPRIL. AM TRYING the relatively new METANX which is supposed to clean out the veins in the body and flush them out. GABAPENTIN made me forget my own name and a lot of other normal things. I am 76 in a few weeks. WILL JUST LIVE WITH THE HOT SPLASHES OF PAIN in the legs and feet until I find something that works. Had a DOCTOR in the ER tell me the truth, they DO NOT KNOW how to fix anything with late term DIABETES which I have since May of 1995. TWENTY SIX YEARS worsens over time. Saw a NEUROLOGIST, he took an MRI of the spine, and gave me GABAPENTIN which I cannot take. Now what? I get everybody is different and responds differently with meds...GUESS that is true...GOOD LUCK...M.,

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Cymbalta helps me 12 years with neuropathy. Gabapentin 800 mg at dinner 60 mg Cymbalta at breakfast. no tingling or pain in feet which are numb


Cymbalta helps me 12 years with neuropathy. Gabapentin 800 mg at dinner 60 mg Cymbalta at breakfast. no tingling or pain in feet which are numb

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@jackdiffley may I ask what Cymbalta helps with and why you take in the am not the pm?


I know this is rare but after 6 years taking over 1200 mg every 8 hours, I do get nasty side effects. Actually, it’s more withdrawal symptoms. If I am late for a dose, I get severe anxiety and depression. Thankfully it takes only about an hour after catching up that I feel back to normal mentally. Anyone else have the same issues?

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@ryanrdt I take 800mg 3x a day, and I don't have any side effects that I'm aware of except for maybe some fatigue that I've learned to cope with. However, when the Gabapentin wears off, I usually start feeling the nerve pain and it takes about an hour for the med to kick in for me too; so, I try very hard not to miss or delay a dose. I actually get happy on those rare occasions when I missed a dose and my body didn't miss it, then I try to see what else I might have done during that period to have helped, but I've yet to figure that one out! Deb


I know this is rare but after 6 years taking over 1200 mg every 8 hours, I do get nasty side effects. Actually, it’s more withdrawal symptoms. If I am late for a dose, I get severe anxiety and depression. Thankfully it takes only about an hour after catching up that I feel back to normal mentally. Anyone else have the same issues?

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Have you tried taking 900 every 4 hrs?

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