Urinary track infection

Posted by mojomom40 @mojomom40, Oct 30, 2022

I had symptoms few weeks ago went to ER said urine showed normal. 3 days of antibiotics given keflex felt better but about a week or so later symptoms reappear an I waited 4 days for going back to ER symptoms much more intense. Found infection gave me 7 day course of Keflex to take. On 3rd day an not much better. Symptoms come an go seems like. Drank choc milk shake yesterday an that evening symptoms were bad with urgency an pressure on bladder. Azo works sometimes an then not so much other times. Is it normal for symptoms to feel better then come on strong again back n forth before it gets completely better.

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@minischnauzer and all...Yep! Sounds a lot like my last few years. Last year I had 5 UTIs, all on various antibiotics, some recurred and came back with a roar...never cleared by the previous antibiotic. One I had sepsis and was on IV antibiotics which did a good job of clearing up my body's infection. I was sent to the Infections Disease Department at Mayo and put on an antibiotic daily for ongoing protection. Didn't work. I developed another UTI and then had several antibiotics trying to stop this one. Ckd for C-Diff and no, but still had trouble with each antibiotic tried as UTIs continued.

I now developed my own system for this...I take a probiotic recommended by a Mayo doctor, Progubolin, online at Research Verified website. It has saved me from horrible years of IBD. It worked! NO more IBD issues of any kind...very rarely. So, if I have to take an oral antibiotic, I take 1 probiotic in the morning, take the antibiotics and then take the regular probiotic at night. So, I take 2 daily, instead of the normal 1 daily. If I do develop dia1rrhea, I take
1 or 2 Lomotil tablets and then I'm fine until I finish the antibiotic script. It works! I did ck with the Mayo doc re the double probiotic and he said it was fine under these conditions. I'm kind of proud of myself for figuring out a way to beat the problems all on my own. Amazing the docs never got there before me!

I no longer take a prophylactic antibiotic. I use this system if I need it. Also, I take the UTI supplement from Research Verified. I've had 1 UTI since beginning that daily supplement. ONE! And, it cleared up with a 5-day antibiotic, not the usual 10-day order.
I think I'm on the way to vastly improved years. Hopefully...

I did some research into this company prior to the first order and the doctor's office agreed it was the probiotic they recommended. But, only after using it did I realize what a dear gift I was given. Haven't felt this good and normal in my adult life. So thankful for this insight.

I hope this helps someone with similar issues. May your journey be improved by my sharing my experiences. Blessings. Elizabeth

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I take methenamine (Hyprex) as a preventative for UTIs. This was prescribed by Mayo many years ago when we were traveling in an RV and it was hard to get care on the road. Within the last couple of years my Mayo nephrologist told me to cut the med in half so she must’ve had some concerns that it could affect my kidneys. I will raise the possibility of using your supplement when I see her next…Thank you!


No blood present
This evening (Monday) will be 4 days.
I’m taking Azo it helps somewhat
I imagine it might start improving by day 5 least I’m hoping.

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I had recurring UTI’s. I found a urogynocologist in a city near me(2hours away). Some tests to make sure nothing else was going on, then he recommended 3000 units of vitamin C and a capsule of cranberry daily to make the urinary tract less hospitable to bacteria. I have been free of UTI’s for a year now.
See if you can find that specialist to help you-it has been great.


Caffeine and UTIs. For me, there is a relationship between caffeine and UTIs. No caffeine and no UTIs. My doctor said "blah, blah." Works for me


Bravo! You know what works for you! Caffeine dehydrates and one needs lots of hydration to prevent a UTI.
It seems pretty simple. Perhaps the physician has a hearing problem?


I had recurring UTI’s. I found a urogynocologist in a city near me(2hours away). Some tests to make sure nothing else was going on, then he recommended 3000 units of vitamin C and a capsule of cranberry daily to make the urinary tract less hospitable to bacteria. I have been free of UTI’s for a year now.
See if you can find that specialist to help you-it has been great.

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That wouldn’t work for me because my kidney specialist took me off of vitamin C.


@minischnauzer and all...Yep! Sounds a lot like my last few years. Last year I had 5 UTIs, all on various antibiotics, some recurred and came back with a roar...never cleared by the previous antibiotic. One I had sepsis and was on IV antibiotics which did a good job of clearing up my body's infection. I was sent to the Infections Disease Department at Mayo and put on an antibiotic daily for ongoing protection. Didn't work. I developed another UTI and then had several antibiotics trying to stop this one. Ckd for C-Diff and no, but still had trouble with each antibiotic tried as UTIs continued.

I now developed my own system for this...I take a probiotic recommended by a Mayo doctor, Progubolin, online at Research Verified website. It has saved me from horrible years of IBD. It worked! NO more IBD issues of any kind...very rarely. So, if I have to take an oral antibiotic, I take 1 probiotic in the morning, take the antibiotics and then take the regular probiotic at night. So, I take 2 daily, instead of the normal 1 daily. If I do develop dia1rrhea, I take
1 or 2 Lomotil tablets and then I'm fine until I finish the antibiotic script. It works! I did ck with the Mayo doc re the double probiotic and he said it was fine under these conditions. I'm kind of proud of myself for figuring out a way to beat the problems all on my own. Amazing the docs never got there before me!

I no longer take a prophylactic antibiotic. I use this system if I need it. Also, I take the UTI supplement from Research Verified. I've had 1 UTI since beginning that daily supplement. ONE! And, it cleared up with a 5-day antibiotic, not the usual 10-day order.
I think I'm on the way to vastly improved years. Hopefully...

I did some research into this company prior to the first order and the doctor's office agreed it was the probiotic they recommended. But, only after using it did I realize what a dear gift I was given. Haven't felt this good and normal in my adult life. So thankful for this insight.

I hope this helps someone with similar issues. May your journey be improved by my sharing my experiences. Blessings. Elizabeth

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Do you have the website where you purchased the probiotic Progubolin?


Do you have the website where you purchased the probiotic Progubolin?

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@cavman9, @ldralaw, @beleza and all...Absolutely. Research Verified is the company in Norcross, Ga. They seem to have a well-run operation with good delivery and good products. The Mayo doctor said this product was sold first on the Mayo site. Since he recommended it, I feel comfortable trusting the company. Actually, this supplement has been a dream come true for me.

I use the Colon Support supplement taking one daily, at night. I also take the UTI supplement, 2 in the morning. The two have been remarkably helpful in making my life closer to what I envision should be normal. I now have fewer UTIs...2 this year, and 5 serious infections last year prior to this supplement. I stay quite hydrated with water, green tea both hot and iced, 1 diet coke daily...helps with gas...and occasionally a BAI with antioxidants and such. I watch the amount of fluid intake, as I must have enough for proper hydration but I have an edema problem so I can't overdo the liquids. It's a bit of a fine line.

I have primary aldosteronism, causing blood sodium to stay high, low potassium, etc. I take spironolactone daily for the rest of my life. It now works well and my edema is much better controlled. The sodium levels are actually low, as I eat no added sodium. So, I occasionally have some crackers or whatever with salt. For the first time as an adult, I have perfectly normal potassium levels. It's remarkable and only since the hormone imbalance was found at Mayo.

The Progubolin controls my IBD beautifully. I do, however, have a constipation problem to address frequently after getting the iron infusions. I'm beginning to take Miralax regularly...a very new concept for me as I've always had the opposite problem, in spades. I suppose this year is the first year in decades I've been more properly balanced re hormones.

Also, of course, the UTI antibiotic issue has been well controlled with the addition of a colon support probiotic each morning and each night while taking the drug. YES! Love this getting to a better place.

I hope you find the same improvements as I. Blessings to each of you. Elizabeth


When I had a urinary tract infection and couldn't see my doctor for a few weeks, I did some research and discovered that dehydration causes urinary tract infections. I started drinking a lot of water! It worked! The infection went away and it is amazing how much better you feel when you drink a lot of water. I even cancelled my doctor's appointment.
Good luck!

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