Importance of focusing on Positive with Depression & Anxiety.

Posted by BoneHead @stsopoci, May 27, 2019

In my journey with the millions of humans who are brave enough to go down the path of recovery without alcohol, bad drug and more drugs, I have gradually more and more discovered how important it is to crawl out of my deep hole, bad attitude, self-importance, feeling sorry for myself, angry, sad, etc, etc, condition and more toward the LIGHT!!! That means changing and moving for me away from some friends that are very negative about everything. That means walking around the block when I get upset so I can calm down and see the light. That means taking care of myself, exercising, eating right and meeting new friends and keeping old friends that are well-balanced. Positivity in life is available to everyone and it's FREE. I have gone on a path throughout my early days of self-medicating with lots of alcohol, drug, etc. I cleaned myself up in 1996, OCT 13th but I still did not feel right until I could ask for help from a professional. Found out I was GAD (inherited from my MOM) and a few other close seconds. I went on medication for years on various meds until I found the chemical that keeps me pretty normal. BUT, BUT...something else was missing because I still suffered through the negativity of every situation that I could create in a moments time.

I love these groups because you are honest with yourself which is very important.
Finding good friends that understand you and the importance of staying positive with your journey through life.
Taking good care of yourself.
We all are unique so what works for me does not always work for you. I'm on 20mg of Lexipro.
What do other people do to stay positive?

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As I read the different posts, one thing that I read over and over again is how many drugs people are taking. I only take a drug for high blood pressure. I have been thinking about this a lot. Many years ago my husband and I visited Aruba on a cruise. One of our excursions was touring an aloe vera plant. I was very impressed with it. Since that time I have taken an aloe vero pill/gel every single day. Aloe vero is a healing plant. I wonder if it helped me to get through all these years without developing the severe illnesses that I have been reading about. Originally I ordered them from the plant in Aruba. Then they started to be available in this country. I still take one to this day. I believe in it and maybe that belief helps as well. Please read about this and make up your own minds. It certainly cannot hurt.

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I’ve heard about Aloe Vera pill. We are all finely tuned chemical human beings that need to be tuned daily.


Thanks to all of you who contribute to this site. You are a blessing to so many who can improve or change their life’s due to the words of many….


What happens when you get sick and feel like “crap” despite taking Tylenol every 6 hours. This story repeats everyday for people all over the world, especially with Covid still spreading.
1. Symptoms check first.
2. Test for Covid.
3. If positive- stay put and check with doctor.
4. If negative … waiting 2-3 days and recheck.
5. Take care of self . If symptoms are getting worse go to urgent care Now!
6. Rest, eat, heal.


Sitting on the Atlantic Ocean listening to the constant sound of water. Birds that have migrated down down Canada sitting by the ocean side in a safe group of other birds of their family. The sun low in the Eastern sky just coming up to start another day. Each day I’m blessed to enjoy and feel human and wish good feelings to all other humans. All other life. All.


Being GAD I have up and downs that occur at any moment even though I’m on lexapro (20mg) and propranolol 40mg. So what do other people do when these incredible feelings hit you. I have to watch closely about my actions and what I say.


Being GAD I have up and downs that occur at any moment even though I’m on lexapro (20mg) and propranolol 40mg. So what do other people do when these incredible feelings hit you. I have to watch closely about my actions and what I say.

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@stsopoci It's difficult, isn't it, when these feelings seem to pop up out of the blue! Sometimes I wonder what the trigger was, what sense was alerted to bring on these moments. Something I smelled, or noticed, a passing noise? There are times I will take a few minutes to try and figure it out, to ease my mind. Other times I just work on convincing myself it is just a passing moment, and will not stick around long.

Be gentle on yourself. Yesterday I had to do exactly what you said, watch my reaction and what almost slipped out of my mouth. It would have been a surprise to the person who would have been the target of it, and would have been an embarrassment to me in a more "normal" mood.


I use propranolol every day to help my blood pressure stay low. But if I don’t get enough sleep or eat or run into a situation that’s very stressful I have to keep my thoughts to myself and calm down.


Truth is we are emotional beings. What about Bob? Baby steps! I literally had to learn to walk all over again from being in the hospital bed for months. Not fun! For me now 13 years later the barrage of my world falling apart is still there now and then. I don’t look back, I don’t look forward too far. I stay happy in the present. Grateful to be here and staying positive works for me enjoying what I can. Namaste


Hard to stay positive when multiple chronic illnesses make you physically miserable much of the time.


Last Monday (Oct. 31) I buried my husband of 59 years. I have also just gone through a complete hip replacement. I am alone and I am 88 years old. I want and need to stay independent as long as possible because the thought of going into one of those independent facilities is repugnant to me. I am still feeling lost and empty and staying positive is not here yet. At my age I "laughingly" say I have lived long past my sell by date. But I think that is my problem. It is hard to look ahead and be positive when you know you don't have much time left.

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