Tightness around throat

Posted by kennedyakelly @kennedyakelly, Nov 1, 2022

I’m a 22 year old female and about 2 weeks ago I noticed a pain kinda around my throat that goes into my chest and my left ear. It’s not necessarily a pain but it’s a weird tightness/pressure. It doesn’t hurt when I swallow but sometimes when I take deep breaths and bend over quickly the pressure intensifies. It also feels like my throat is tighter when I breath. It went away after a couple days 2 weeks ago but I also went to the ER because I was scared it was something with my heart but it wasn’t and my lungs looked clear. The next week I was diagnosed with mono but a very mild case and didn’t really have symptoms other than swollen lymph nodes in my armpits. Yesterday I noticed the tightness is back and it’s scaring me again. I have no idea what it is and if it could be from the mono but like I said my throat doesn’t hurt to swallow. It’s only like a pressure/tightness when I make certain movements or breath a certain way.

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I have known a lot of people around your age including family who have had mono and complained of throat tightness but it eventually disappeared.
Your anxiety may be contributing to the tightness and it also may just still be the effects of the mono. Maybe you can wait a bit longer to see what happens.
If not, then I suggest you see an otolaryngologist….they specialize in throat problems and can order scans or MRIs if necessary. Find a large reputable ENT practice and specifically request an appointment with one. Then, for the appointment, have all the information on hand regarding timeline, medications etc and as accurate a description as you can of what you are feeling. Doctors love patients who are good historians.

You can goggle some ENT practices if you have never been to one and check out the reviews or get a recommendation from someone.

Please post back if you do. Your experience helps others here and you will probably hear from a lot of Mayo people who have experienced this.

Good luck from FL Mary

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