Collagen for osteoporosis?

Posted by cpb @cpb, Jul 26, 2021

My friend's medical doctor has her take collagen for her bones. I decided to try it and wondered if anyone knows more than I do about this.

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what are the five types of Collagen? What I have taken is grass-fed collagen. Is one better?

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we all have to do our own searching to see what would work best..cost wise as well as functionality. I've learned that grass-fed 'anything', ie: cream, milk, kerry butter (from Ireland), meat.. is the best type of fat as well as collagen long as we're spending $ on this...also..right on about what you're taking that is in a peptide form...that makes it even better for our bodies to assimilate. Knowing what we're taking in on a daily basis is our more than ever. Go for the best products you can afford...good luck to you all. Keep up the search!! hugs.....


Has anybody tried Collagen brand Genacol? Can this supplement be taken continuously? Ok to take by cancer patients or people going through chemotherapy?


Has anybody tried Collagen brand Genacol? Can this supplement be taken continuously? Ok to take by cancer patients or people going through chemotherapy?

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Anyone on medications needs to discuss their supplement routine with the prescribing doctors. Also, be sure you are buying a reliable product, whose content is tested and certified regularly by an outside independent lab.


Hola soy súperviviente de un melanoma que llegó al cerebro mientras estaba embarazada con deseos de pelear la enfermedad logré vencerla,hoy mi hijo tiene 20 años y por suerte el tema está olvidando,pero me están afectando de la peor manera los rayos que en 2013 me tiraron en todo el cerebro produciendo una injuria radiante que actúa tan agresivamente que hoy mi diagnóstico es enfermedad cerebro cerebro vascular,yo no puedo creer el impacto que tienen después de tantos años !!y no hay forma de detenerlo, igualmente lo importante es seguir venciendo las comorbilidades,pero cansa


Dear friends,
Owing to my Osteoporosis and cartridge loss, the followings are some Collagen Peptides products I'm reviewing and would love to get your opinions/comments:
1。Further Food Premium Marine Collagen Peptides
2。Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder Pure
3。CB Supplements Multi Collagen Protein
4。Bio Trust Ageless Multi Collagen
5。Codeage Multi Collagen Protein Powder Peptides

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!



Dear friends,
Owing to my Osteoporosis and cartridge loss, the followings are some Collagen Peptides products I'm reviewing and would love to get your opinions/comments:
1。Further Food Premium Marine Collagen Peptides
2。Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder Pure
3。CB Supplements Multi Collagen Protein
4。Bio Trust Ageless Multi Collagen
5。Codeage Multi Collagen Protein Powder Peptides

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!


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Hello Ning~
Much appreciate all your efforts in researching the many types and brands of collagen supplements. I have used a few...and finally found Codeage....I am very pleased with the ingredients and the wide scope of the types needed. It's also it has 63 servings for under 40.00 a container. I'm using the unflavored dissolves in hot I'm a happy camper. It's made in the US...I was using Vital Proteins..which I liked..but was only doing 1/2 of the recommended amounts daily...but still saw dramatic results! Old age spots disappearing on the back of my face wrinkles have been reduced..generally better hair strength as well as nails....and it only contained 3 types of I'm hoping for even better results from using Codeage.
Best to you all.....


Hello Ning~
Much appreciate all your efforts in researching the many types and brands of collagen supplements. I have used a few...and finally found Codeage....I am very pleased with the ingredients and the wide scope of the types needed. It's also it has 63 servings for under 40.00 a container. I'm using the unflavored dissolves in hot I'm a happy camper. It's made in the US...I was using Vital Proteins..which I liked..but was only doing 1/2 of the recommended amounts daily...but still saw dramatic results! Old age spots disappearing on the back of my face wrinkles have been reduced..generally better hair strength as well as nails....and it only contained 3 types of I'm hoping for even better results from using Codeage.
Best to you all.....

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Thanks a lot for your sharing - very much appreciated!
Have you tried "Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder


Thanks a lot for your sharing - very much appreciated!
Have you tried "Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder

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Morning Ning~
I did google Ancient Nutrition...I'm impressed with the ingredients and price. The fact that they do make an unflavored type is interesting to me. It's a bit more expensive than the Coreage...with approx. 18 more grms per container. It also contains all 5 of the same 'types' as Coreage. There are many of these Collagens out there now...I've tried a problem is that I like to use it in my coffee and some of these just don't dissolve well..which wouldn't be a problem in a smoothie. If you've tried this brand..let us all know what you think...much appreciated! Good health to us all!


Has anyone heard about taking collagen to help osteoporosis? I’ve read several article about this. Anyone have any info on this?


Has anyone heard about taking collagen to help osteoporosis? I’ve read several article about this. Anyone have any info on this?

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Hi @sliteral, I moved your question about collagen to help osteoporosis to this existing discussion:
Collagen for osteoporosis?

I did this so you can read previous posts and connect with members like @jenniferhunter @lbroomayo1 @bunky44 @johnbishop @imallears @kilh and more.

Have you asked your doctor or pharmacists about taking collagen?

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