I hope you continue to feel free to post :-). We're all trying to navigate the various treatment options and many people have serious issues with the drugs which, themselves, can have serious issues (side effects).
There is a lot of 'information' about many medical issues which turns out to be incorrect and disproven over time. Conversely, there are medical protocols, including drugs, later found to be ineffective (or more effectivde).
So I take anything I read as 'possibly true' and just research it further until the weight of the evidence, and my doctors' thoughts, lend it significant validity.
There are things that may not have strong scientific support that I'm nonetheless willing to try if the risk of trying them is negligible or non-existent. An example would be adding a lot more cruciferous vegetables to my diet as studies suggest they may be highly anti-carcinogenic against certain breast cancers. Even if they don't prove to be so, they help reduce cholesterol and have other benefits so I waive the standard of 'proof of effectiveness' that I would otherwise want. I think of health as a work-in-progress and some trial and error...
@callalloo Thanks for the encouragement. The recommended treatments, our responses to them and to one another are all a work in progress.
Your criteria make a lot of sense. After all, we all just buying time to make life as pain free as possible for as long as possible.