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Total Pancreatectomy

Pancreatic Cancer | Last Active: Apr 1, 2023 | Replies (30)

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My sister laure was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage2. She went through chemo then had surgery. They removed pancreas spleen and 2/3 of stomach. Some blood vessels had to be reconstructed since tumor was all around celiac artery and other blood vessel. She is now struggling with the new life. Diabetes type1, uncontrollable sugars, diarrhea as soon as you eat something, throwing up, being tired all the time. It's only been a month since the surgery so we are hopeful it will get better. She started having lots of lower abdominal and back cramping. Anyone experiencing such symptoms. Thank you all of you for sharing your journey. As soon as my sister feels better, i will have her joint the group. I am trying to understand as much as possible so I can help her deal with this struggle. Thank you.

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Replies to "My sister laure was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage2. She went through chemo then had surgery...."

Hello @isaall888 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am very sorry to read about your sister's diagnosis. How wonderful you are such a great advocate and support for her to join Connect.

You will notice that I have moved your post into an existing discussion on this same topic, which you can find here:
- Total Pancreatectomy: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/total-pancreatectomy/

I'd like to bring in members @mariouk @kjrita and @luckyone4321 who have been part of this discussion to see if they can offer you some support for your sister.

What was the anticipated recovery time shared with your sister by her surgeon?

Hello. Today is my 4-year anniversary of my pancreatectomy, removal of spleen and part of my stomach, along the first part of my intestine or the duodenum. It does get easier, but it took me a year of recovery to almost be back to normal in my digestion. After this surgery, I was in the hospital for 19 days. I had a feeding tube in my stomach. I was also receiving TPN or Total Parenteral Nutrition through my port during my hospital stay. I wasn't able to eat much, so this was my option for getting nutrition. I had to go home with my feeding tube and the TPN. They wanted me to eat 1200 calories a day before suspending this protocol. It was really difficult to eat because my insides were healing, and digestion hurt. I had a hard time eating. I definitely started losing a lot of weight. I didn't want to eat because it hurt every time I ate. I would recommend doing the best she can with eating, and I recommend medical marijuana which wasn't available when I was going through this. I had a friend that got some local honey that was infused with it, which definitely eased my pain, and I was able to eat more and start feeling normal. Maybe your sister would be willing to try some gummies?
I also would recommend that she makes sure she pays attention to the amount enzymes she is taking. That is a process to figure out. It's different for everyone. Now, I know how many I have to take when I eat, but I had to take the first amount recommended: 2-3 with meals. I now take 5 with meals and 7 if it is fatty food. I take 2-3 with snacks, but again it depends on when I last ate. The cramping and diarrhea are more than likely due to the fact that she is not taking enough enzymes. However, it also takes a while for the organs to heal. She should gradually start feeling better. It is a slow road it seems. On the other hand, I was grateful to be alive and get a second chance on life. Let me know if you have any other questions, I might be able to answer. It is wonderful that you are asking questions to help her through.