Post Covid Chest Inflammation + Fatigue

Posted by angelicaaustrich @angelicaaustrich, Aug 5, 2022

Hey everyone,

I'm new to the discussion board, so thank you for giving me the space. Recovery has been slow and very anxiety-inducing. I'm a 24y, Female with no prior health issues who had a mild case end of May-start of June 2022, and now I'm dealing with a few symptoms post-covid such as migraines, dizziness, and nausea, thankfully those have been better in the past few weeks. For the past two weeks, I've started to feel more fatigued and developing tightness in the chest. I went to urgent care, my vitals were normal, and my EKG + chest x-ray returned normal. My doctor says it's possibly Tietze syndrome, which is chest inflammation. I wonder if anyone else has felt these symptoms before; having community will help a lot in mental recovery. Post-COVID has been extremely hard on my mental health.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


Thanks for the info and the kinds words. This is helpful. How much D3 do you take?

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I take 25 mcg, once a day with food and water!


Good morning! I've posted in other groups but figured I'd try here too since my symptoms resemble some of those listed here. My story: I'm 51. First, I quit smoking in March of 2012 after approximately 25 years of 3/4 packs per day. For the past 10 years I’ve experienced intermittent chest pains. I’ve had every non invasive cardiac test done and all came back normal. The diagnosis ended up being Costochondritis (chest wall inflammation). In February of 2021, I tested positive for COVID. Symptoms were very mild only lasting 1-2 days. Slight fever of barely 100. F. But I began experiencing intermittent SOB. The type of SOB where I can’t catch a satisfying deep breath that I starve for (sigh breath its been labelled). Eventually I achieve the deep breath and I seem to be satisfied but only for a short period of time. At first, the SOB was sporadic. Every few days lasting for a day or two and then resolving and staying away for a week or longer but it always returned. I'm pretty sure I had COVID again in July of 2021. Once again, it was pretty mild. Runny nose, sinus issues etc. etc. In the summer of 2021, I was diagnosed with mild hypertension. All cardiac tests (CT w/contrast of the chest, ECHO, stress, Holter etc. etc.) were checked and all tests/scans were found to be normal. No plaques or blockages by CT angiography. No acute process in the lungs. Lungs clear. The SOB continues and became more frequent. In November of 2021, I saw a Pulmonologist. Pulmonary Function Tests were performed and I was cleared for COPD and any lung disease, SOB improved slightly for a period of time. In February of 2022, I tested positive for COVID AGAIN. This time the virus seemed to get into my lungs a lil' bit as I had a mild respiratory infection for about a week or so. It took a couple weeks for it to totally clear but the SOB returned much more frequently. In May of 2022, I saw a different Pulmonologist in a different city. He ordered PFT and sleep apnea study. As of the morning of June 22,2022 I was emphatically cleared of COPD and any interstitial lung disease by now two different pulmonologist groups in two different cities. Further, my yearly ECHO done in early June was normal. Where do I stand?!?!? I have pretty consistent SOB (breathlessness, starving for air, excessive yawning). No cough of note unless I force it (rare), some mucus/phlegm, inflamed nasal passages and under control BP and heart rate.
Some sinus pressure perhaps leading to sinus headaches. I try to stay reasonably active with walks, runs and strength training. The NOT KNOWING is really bothering me. I've become increasingly anxious. Anxiety related SOB with some upper and lower back pain??? I’m taking Buspirone. GERD?!? I take AcidPH. I’m 5’9 and weigh 210 lbs. I’m a pretty muscular guy with some extra weight. Could it be I need to lose a few pounds?!? Diaphragm issue?!? I might be going a little crazy but I feel like it's getting worse. I keep reminding myself that the CT of chest in May and in July of '21 and CXR of chest in February of '22 were all completely clear. BTW, I just had another CXR in August of '22 and once again results suggested my lungs are clear. No cardiopulmonary process. I check my O2 sat first thing every morning, it's consistently 97-98. At my last pulmonologist appointment I was given a rescue inhaler, albuterol sulfate. I've tried it. Hard to tell if it's really helping or just a psychological effect. I must admit I'm a lil' concerned about long haul COVID-19 induced IPF?? Although, in each case, my bouts with COVID were mild at best. SOB, chest wall discomfort specifically associated with intercostals and the sternum, headaches, intermittent upper and lower back pain. Although, in each case, my bouts with COVID were mild at best.

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I have had many of the same symptoms you have, along with trembling hands, jolts in my legs mostly, and at night. I was hospitalized last Oct. for three weeks. The post covid symptoms began in February, and I was hospitalized for three days and every test was made. All came out well and that is when I was told I must have Long Covid. Since February I have seen a cardiologist and had many tests done, invasive and non invasive. However I sometimes feel like I'm having a heart attack, with pain surrounding the heart. I get pain in the back--lungs, shortness of breath where just walking across a room brings it on, and have had sighing. Never a fever though. I have also seen a lung doctor and will see him next weeks for the results of the latest CT of my chest. Right now my biggest concern is the profuse perspiration. It never goes away, sometimes is mild, when I'm just sitting, other times I am dripping. There is no test for this so far.
So, like you, all testing comes out well. The only relief I have received is from a Functional Medicine doctor. It's only supplements, but the night time jolts are just about gone, the hand trembling is almost gone as well. At one time I couldn't lift a glass or anything without spilling the contents. The shortness of breath and the smell in my nose comes and goes. The completely different blood work that this office has done shows that I had mono at one time, news to me, but anything is possible. I am on a regimen that treats mono since there is no treatment for long Covid. The psychiatrist my primary doc recommended has me on three anti depressants. I have not mingled in large crowds since the beginning of this epidemic, for three months I did not even go out in my yard. I don't know how I caught this. I will continue to adhere to the original precautions as I understand this winter will bring Covid back with a vengeance. I hope that is wrong info. Hopefully in time, a cure will be found, but there are so many different symptoms. Patience, I tell myself is all I have now, and hopefully the Functional medicine supplements will continue to help. This week my lower face has swollen up. Another symptom? My primary care has me on a steroid pak, but I see the functional medicine doc Tuesday. I'm glad to be alive (I was told I had a small chance of survival).
I understand your pain, your frustration, and the uncertain outcome of all this.
I wish I had more to say on recouparating, but my only resource for any progress, has been with functional medicine, and this is a medical doctor with a full staff of NP's. Good luck, keep posting, and God bless us all-we are still here.


I realize it’s been a couple of months since you posted so I hope you are finished with it by now. As for me I had a relatively mild case of covid late July early August. A month later I had extreme chest tightness with wheezing along with extreme head and feet pressure. Total body misery that kept me awake and in fear. Bloodwork showed ANA + with ANA Titer 1:320 and BNP showed mild heart failure. My PCP says it’s from covid. And hopefully it will resolve but it’s now been two months. Unfortunately I had medication dosage adjustments at the same time for an existing cardiomyopathy so it’s nearly impossible to tell the exact cause. But a chest X-ray last week cleared my lungs and heart so there’s no fluid backup as in heart failure so it’s a waiting game to figure it out.


Good morning! I've posted in other groups but figured I'd try here too since my symptoms resemble some of those listed here. My story: I'm 51. First, I quit smoking in March of 2012 after approximately 25 years of 3/4 packs per day. For the past 10 years I’ve experienced intermittent chest pains. I’ve had every non invasive cardiac test done and all came back normal. The diagnosis ended up being Costochondritis (chest wall inflammation). In February of 2021, I tested positive for COVID. Symptoms were very mild only lasting 1-2 days. Slight fever of barely 100. F. But I began experiencing intermittent SOB. The type of SOB where I can’t catch a satisfying deep breath that I starve for (sigh breath its been labelled). Eventually I achieve the deep breath and I seem to be satisfied but only for a short period of time. At first, the SOB was sporadic. Every few days lasting for a day or two and then resolving and staying away for a week or longer but it always returned. I'm pretty sure I had COVID again in July of 2021. Once again, it was pretty mild. Runny nose, sinus issues etc. etc. In the summer of 2021, I was diagnosed with mild hypertension. All cardiac tests (CT w/contrast of the chest, ECHO, stress, Holter etc. etc.) were checked and all tests/scans were found to be normal. No plaques or blockages by CT angiography. No acute process in the lungs. Lungs clear. The SOB continues and became more frequent. In November of 2021, I saw a Pulmonologist. Pulmonary Function Tests were performed and I was cleared for COPD and any lung disease, SOB improved slightly for a period of time. In February of 2022, I tested positive for COVID AGAIN. This time the virus seemed to get into my lungs a lil' bit as I had a mild respiratory infection for about a week or so. It took a couple weeks for it to totally clear but the SOB returned much more frequently. In May of 2022, I saw a different Pulmonologist in a different city. He ordered PFT and sleep apnea study. As of the morning of June 22,2022 I was emphatically cleared of COPD and any interstitial lung disease by now two different pulmonologist groups in two different cities. Further, my yearly ECHO done in early June was normal. Where do I stand?!?!? I have pretty consistent SOB (breathlessness, starving for air, excessive yawning). No cough of note unless I force it (rare), some mucus/phlegm, inflamed nasal passages and under control BP and heart rate.
Some sinus pressure perhaps leading to sinus headaches. I try to stay reasonably active with walks, runs and strength training. The NOT KNOWING is really bothering me. I've become increasingly anxious. Anxiety related SOB with some upper and lower back pain??? I’m taking Buspirone. GERD?!? I take AcidPH. I’m 5’9 and weigh 210 lbs. I’m a pretty muscular guy with some extra weight. Could it be I need to lose a few pounds?!? Diaphragm issue?!? I might be going a little crazy but I feel like it's getting worse. I keep reminding myself that the CT of chest in May and in July of '21 and CXR of chest in February of '22 were all completely clear. BTW, I just had another CXR in August of '22 and once again results suggested my lungs are clear. No cardiopulmonary process. I check my O2 sat first thing every morning, it's consistently 97-98. At my last pulmonologist appointment I was given a rescue inhaler, albuterol sulfate. I've tried it. Hard to tell if it's really helping or just a psychological effect. I must admit I'm a lil' concerned about long haul COVID-19 induced IPF?? Although, in each case, my bouts with COVID were mild at best. SOB, chest wall discomfort specifically associated with intercostals and the sternum, headaches, intermittent upper and lower back pain. Although, in each case, my bouts with COVID were mild at best.

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Have you been checked for anxiety attacks? If all tests show you are clear it could be anxiety. I had probs for years & it sounds quite similar.
Worth checking.


I normally have low energy due to a low number of red blood cells. But, after a 5 day bout of Covid I , too, am totally exhausted. I used to need 9 hrs. To feel my best, now it is 11. Plus I fall asleep soon after dinner while I’m reading or watching TV which I’ve never done. I don’t think I have any other post Covid symptoms, except maybe more than normal tight coughing at times. I do take a Solaray High Energy vitamin pill which seems to help but may be psychological. It didn’t dawn on me until today that this was related to Covid. I am 76 yrs. Old and figured I was really winding down quickly. Thank you so much for your comment ; I feel better just knowing that this could definitely be related to Covid. Good Luck to you.

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I had covid the beginning of Sept. Mild case but what l can't seem to get rid of is the cough. It's gotten better but still there. It's like a tickle in your throat. How long did your cough after being positive? I'm 69 so l worry about everything.


I have had the same. Comes and goes. Chest X-rays are clear. Understand the mental anxiety part. It will be in December before I can get into the Covid Recover Clinic close to where I live.


I have had many of the same symptoms you have, along with trembling hands, jolts in my legs mostly, and at night. I was hospitalized last Oct. for three weeks. The post covid symptoms began in February, and I was hospitalized for three days and every test was made. All came out well and that is when I was told I must have Long Covid. Since February I have seen a cardiologist and had many tests done, invasive and non invasive. However I sometimes feel like I'm having a heart attack, with pain surrounding the heart. I get pain in the back--lungs, shortness of breath where just walking across a room brings it on, and have had sighing. Never a fever though. I have also seen a lung doctor and will see him next weeks for the results of the latest CT of my chest. Right now my biggest concern is the profuse perspiration. It never goes away, sometimes is mild, when I'm just sitting, other times I am dripping. There is no test for this so far.
So, like you, all testing comes out well. The only relief I have received is from a Functional Medicine doctor. It's only supplements, but the night time jolts are just about gone, the hand trembling is almost gone as well. At one time I couldn't lift a glass or anything without spilling the contents. The shortness of breath and the smell in my nose comes and goes. The completely different blood work that this office has done shows that I had mono at one time, news to me, but anything is possible. I am on a regimen that treats mono since there is no treatment for long Covid. The psychiatrist my primary doc recommended has me on three anti depressants. I have not mingled in large crowds since the beginning of this epidemic, for three months I did not even go out in my yard. I don't know how I caught this. I will continue to adhere to the original precautions as I understand this winter will bring Covid back with a vengeance. I hope that is wrong info. Hopefully in time, a cure will be found, but there are so many different symptoms. Patience, I tell myself is all I have now, and hopefully the Functional medicine supplements will continue to help. This week my lower face has swollen up. Another symptom? My primary care has me on a steroid pak, but I see the functional medicine doc Tuesday. I'm glad to be alive (I was told I had a small chance of survival).
I understand your pain, your frustration, and the uncertain outcome of all this.
I wish I had more to say on recouparating, but my only resource for any progress, has been with functional medicine, and this is a medical doctor with a full staff of NP's. Good luck, keep posting, and God bless us all-we are still here.

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What you wrote is how I have been feeling. Sometimes I feel I am on the boat alone which is not true.


Hi! I just had COVID for the first time 2 weeks ago and now I have tightness in my upper abdomen. Like right below my xiphoid process. It seems worse after I eat. Did you ever figure out what was going on? Did it go away?

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