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Visual Snow: Anyone experience this?

Eye Conditions | Last Active: May 27, 2023 | Replies (87)

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I don't know whether this is in the same category, but my granddaughter, age 13, has had problems with "flashing" eyesight. She recently saw a strobe light and said that's how she sees. She has blackness rather than snow. She has also described an experience where her field of vision is covered with overlapping black circles (light spaces in-between), and a "sparkling" effect in the black areas. This happens only once every several months. Her flashing started about 2 years ago and was intermittent. She went through this last summer without the flashing, but it started up about three weeks ago and is now 24/7. She's been to a number of doctors, even a neurologist at MD Andersen, but no diagnosis. Migraine headaches was suggested and she was put on medication, which caused severe forgetfulness, so she came off of that. I will check out the UCSF research, but can empathize with your frustration in getting help for your daughter. My granddaughter's school won't provide any help for her until she is classified IEP, which requires a diagnosis. Her parents are working on getting her help under a 504 classification. Like you, I would appreciate hearing from anyone who may have any experience with this.

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Replies to "I don't know whether this is in the same category, but my granddaughter, age 13, has..."

Hi. Have you gotten an IEP established for your granddaughter? We have an extensive 504 plan for my daughter due to visual snow. Her plan includes rest time while taking tests, all print outs on colored paper, and extra time. We were also having trouble getting the right diagnosis but we went to her regular pediatrician who gave the right letter because she said while we try to figure out the diagnosis, there is no dispute she can't see. So she wrote us a letter listing temporary blindness. The schools could not argue against that diagnosis. Hope this helps.

Yes, she has had an IEP for a while now, and it is helping. Thanks for<br />
sharing your suggestions! Still no answers, as I know from reading other<br />
posts.<br />