← Return to Metoprolol - Short bursts of shortness of breath

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Everyone reacts to these meds differently so monitor yourself closely.

For me, even the smallest "crumb" of a 25mg metoprolol causes significant bradycardia (30-40 bpm), dropped blood pressure to 70/40 and bi-geminy PVCs. This followed with shortness of breath, dizziness and pre-syncope just sitting in a chair.

Needless to say Metoprolol, and possibly other beta blockers, is a no-go for me.

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Replies to "Everyone reacts to these meds differently so monitor yourself closely. For me, even the smallest "crumb"..."

Sounds much like me, except that when I experience tacchycardia (for no apparent reason, rarely) I do take 12.5 mcg and it helps.

(Trying 25 mcg my first time, I developed the same bp, BPM and extreme shortness of breath as you describe. Nearly passed out. Thereafter, I was told by my cardiologist that I could take a half dose PRN. Mostly I avoid it like the plague.)