
Posted by 4720retire @4720retire, Oct 6, 2022

I am 81 years old and started having dizziness or lightheaded about 2 years ago. It started about the time of Covid but don’t know if it is related. I’ve had a mri, mra as well seeing many doctors. None have found the cause. I’m pretty good while sitting or inactive but bothers me when active or walking. Looking for information someone may have.

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I am 84, but a number of years ago I was getting large "floaters" in my vison that looked like rafts full of pyramids. They were in focus and appeared after too many hours of research on the computer or a stressful day. I too had an MRI and MRA and a whole lot of other tests, but nothing. Then a few weeks ago I mentioned them to an ophthalmologist while being tested for cataracts. "Sounds exactly like optical migraines," he said and, from what I have read, it appears he was correct,
Keep the faith, the answer is probably out there were you least expect it.

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...as reading your comment as you desribed the floaters... i too have floaters from vitreous laser; but also since a child Ocular Migraines and hard to describe but your description is good.... I have said like a semi circle of ZxzZZxxZ joined together that are very bright and you can 'see' them with eyes closed too.... used to get the severe one sided headache with them and vomit but as aged the headaches left, thank goodness, but still get the optical - 20 last year and 9 so far this year and sometimes one after the other, lasting about 20 minutes then feel worn out... but also having the wobbly feeling in head so here we go again.... just describing it to dr is difficult... hope you dont get too many or, even better, that you get no more, ever! J.


Hi, @4720retire You have gotten some good responses to your question. I think dizziness/light-headedness plagues many of us as we age. My sister's PCP told her to drink a couple of glasses of water when she gets up each morning and she is finding that does help.

A couple of years ago I was having a lot of light-headedness in the morning, enough so that there was no way I would drive until it passed. I very inadvertently discovered it was an uncommon side effect of a topical medication I was using. I stopped using it and the light-headedness went away. I very rarely have it now and if I do I find it is when I have not had enough sleep.

I hope you can find a solution to yours. It could be something very simple. Our bodies are much more sensitive to things as we age I think.

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.... glad it was discovered it was a side effect; I am one of those who read the info with the meds and cannot believe the long list of side effects possible; even my glaucoma drops, one of the side effects is Sinusitis believe it or not and it took a year or so but then got chronic Sinus problems never had before and streams out.... but I cannot stop using the drops - even the other five or so types of glaucoma drops, not just brands, but different ingredients, all have side effects, who knew an eye drop could cause problems with our bodies... J.


...as reading your comment as you desribed the floaters... i too have floaters from vitreous laser; but also since a child Ocular Migraines and hard to describe but your description is good.... I have said like a semi circle of ZxzZZxxZ joined together that are very bright and you can 'see' them with eyes closed too.... used to get the severe one sided headache with them and vomit but as aged the headaches left, thank goodness, but still get the optical - 20 last year and 9 so far this year and sometimes one after the other, lasting about 20 minutes then feel worn out... but also having the wobbly feeling in head so here we go again.... just describing it to dr is difficult... hope you dont get too many or, even better, that you get no more, ever! J.

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I have only experienced a couple this year after a lot of time in front of my computer, along with a bit of outside stress. I have started using "blue-blocker" computer glasses and periodic breaks from looking at the computer and it seems to help.


My neurologist suggested that I might have crystals in my inner ear and gave me some diagrams on how to do the "Epley Maneuver" which is really easy to do. At any rate, it seems to help. I have had dizzy spells/vertigo seasonally for years and it seems like it happens when the air pressure changes. I only have them for about two weeks, once in the am and they last about (what seems forever) 5 minutes and then I am done for the day. Like everyone else, I drink a lot of water and now I do the Eply Maneuver to push through. You can google Eply Maneuver and there are a ton of YouTube videos that will show you how to do it. As I said, it is easy to do on your own and might help. Good luck!

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My situation seems differ from that. The experience I am having shows that whenever I experience dizziness my blood pressure has dropped below normal. But what relief or stabilized me is when I take ORT. But the pain in my spines increases as the blood pressure drop creating a feelings of tiredness, dizziness


Hi, @4720retire You have gotten some good responses to your question. I think dizziness/light-headedness plagues many of us as we age. My sister's PCP told her to drink a couple of glasses of water when she gets up each morning and she is finding that does help.

A couple of years ago I was having a lot of light-headedness in the morning, enough so that there was no way I would drive until it passed. I very inadvertently discovered it was an uncommon side effect of a topical medication I was using. I stopped using it and the light-headedness went away. I very rarely have it now and if I do I find it is when I have not had enough sleep.

I hope you can find a solution to yours. It could be something very simple. Our bodies are much more sensitive to things as we age I think.

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Thanks for sharing your experience. Taking water first thing in the morning at times relief me. And a good rest. But the situation is for awhole. I am relief more when I take ORT. The dizziness and the spine pain usually transcend to low blood pressure. The spine pain brings discomfort also at sitting position. Most often I take pain relief ( PCM). The ORS and PCM is what is presently relieving me of these experience. I hope to also try water therapy to see the impact it will have.


Your comments are the same as I have had. I am 83 yo female; dizziness, causing balance problems. Whether it is age, medications, disease, eyesight ( have macular degeneration for 10-12 yrs.) is indiscernible. As long as I am focused on one thing, being still, is not a problem, but starting to move around is; It is worse sometimes than others; I have been unable to detect a pattern; it just has it's own way, here one day, better the next, next week, worse. I have just learned to go with the flow and cope this best way I can at the time. Good luck and best wishes to you. I understand.


Consider getting a walker. My mom did and it gave her back her freedom. She was able to walk any where she wanted and usually at a good clip. Plus she always had a place to sit when ever she met a neighbor and wanted to talk...good luck !


I feel young but my head and ears don't agree. I arose one night from sleeping and past out. Had been experiencing light headedness and dizziness for 6 months. Some of my issues deal with the meds and soon my doctor and I will mutually agree to pull back. I've had ringing in my years for years and questioned if that might be a contributing factor. I'm drinking a gallon of water every day with hopes it will chill the "dizzies". And I'm attempting to tell my brain that it's okay to feel this way, although it still marches on. Getting older is good but dizziness is not making me feel like a "spry older guy".


I feel young but my head and ears don't agree. I arose one night from sleeping and past out. Had been experiencing light headedness and dizziness for 6 months. Some of my issues deal with the meds and soon my doctor and I will mutually agree to pull back. I've had ringing in my years for years and questioned if that might be a contributing factor. I'm drinking a gallon of water every day with hopes it will chill the "dizzies". And I'm attempting to tell my brain that it's okay to feel this way, although it still marches on. Getting older is good but dizziness is not making me feel like a "spry older guy".

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Hi there. Happy New Year. Many years ago(after I had a head injury) I had ringing in my ears, dizziness, which led doctor put me me on a water pill. (which I took for years, believe it led to CKD) . He thought it was water in my inner ear. Whatever: it led to deafness - complete in right ear, hearing aid in Left. Last month I had a few dizzy spells; I have no idea what caused them.


Those of you who have problems with dizziness should check into BPPV, and a treatment by a physical therapist. It can make a world of difference

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