Neuropathy: Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?

Posted by sjhedcon @sjhedcon, Mar 21, 2020

I have loss of feeling in my feet and tingling sensation. My doctor prescribed gabapentin. I read the side effects and decided not to take this med.
Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?

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is lorazapam good for depression. I also take seraquil and lexapro. I also had two slips and drank alcohol. How will that affect my depression going forward.


Yes. It made me sleep 12 hours a day. It made me unstoppably hungry, while putting it above socializing. Needless to say, gain weight, and no help with 31 years of pain. But I also have arachnoiditis now from a generous anesthesiologist and look forward to even worse pain which is unemaginal. The only effective medicine I ever took was hydroxachloriquin combined w 1 baby aspirin a day, which I took for 5 years, and finally worked between years 3 to 5 completely. I had to get off because of eye changes .


You are fortunate, I took it for three weeks and couldn't remember anything. Where I put the laundry, couldn't do my crossword puzzles, and was angry most of the time. I QUIT IT....and just take my INSULIN and my Glucophage and a tiny blood pressure pill LISINOPRIL. AM TRYING the relatively new METANX which is supposed to clean out the veins in the body and flush them out. GABAPENTIN made me forget my own name and a lot of other normal things. I am 76 in a few weeks. WILL JUST LIVE WITH THE HOT SPLASHES OF PAIN in the legs and feet until I find something that works. Had a DOCTOR in the ER tell me the truth, they DO NOT KNOW how to fix anything with late term DIABETES which I have since May of 1995. TWENTY SIX YEARS worsens over time. Saw a NEUROLOGIST, he took an MRI of the spine, and gave me GABAPENTIN which I cannot take. Now what? I get everybody is different and responds differently with meds...GUESS that is true...GOOD LUCK...M.,

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Have you tried CBD cream or lotion? No high, no side effects. Doesn't cure but can take it down a notch so more tolerable. I'm 75 and have been using it 3 years--it helps, but you have to experiment and find the dose that works for you.


I'm looking for people who may have tried both Gabapentin and Lyrica? After being on gaba for a year or so, up and down on dosage, with questionable effect on burning pain symptoms, physiatrist started me on Lyrica 10 days ago. She said they are both in the same class of drug, but patients have different responses. I think Lyrica may be making me feel worse, and have been reading that a lot of people just hate it. What experiences can any of you share? Thanks.

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I’ve had peripheral neuropathy for 20 years. Tried both Lyrica and Gabapentin in my opinion both are junk. They became popular when the idiots at the FDA and the DEA decided that they knew more than your personal doctor on how to treat your pain!! So now most states regulate how many or much opioids you shall receive a month. It’s a joke a sad joke. Millions of people are suffering everyday because of the nitwits at our esteemed government agencies!! I just want to live pain free!


I don't like it.

If I take a breath in (even slightly) as I put it in my mouth, I get a very weird taste/"smell" in the back of my throat (hard to describe). It's a really funky "taste". If you read about the side effects, you may decide not to take it.

Instead of the Gabapentin, I've started taking Rx CBD/THC gummy at night before bedtime. It helps tremendously when the Gabapentin did not.


I've been taking gabapentin for several years for my neuropathy and it definitely helps with the nerve pain in my feet! I've not experienced any negative side effects. I definitely have "pins & needles" in my feet when I forget a dose. Ilene


Yes, I have been on it for years and babe never had any problems at all with it. I recently had a cervical fusion and the hospital doctor told me to stop gabapentin until I saw my surgeon again, I had horrible steering pain in my chest muscles into my shoulders, stopping it was a huge mistake and the doctor made an error, I was told to start and by the end of the day that part of my pain was gone. I know a lot of people are saying negative things here but but don’t be swayed as everybody is different so you can try it and see how it works for you , I’m sure of the doctors prescribing feels it might help you. Good luck to you!


anyone tried electrial treatment for neuropathy ? Did it help ?


I don't like it.

If I take a breath in (even slightly) as I put it in my mouth, I get a very weird taste/"smell" in the back of my throat (hard to describe). It's a really funky "taste". If you read about the side effects, you may decide not to take it.

Instead of the Gabapentin, I've started taking Rx CBD/THC gummy at night before bedtime. It helps tremendously when the Gabapentin did not.

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Is this for neuropathy?

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